Packet injection isn't working for me. I do a "aireplay-ng -9 wlan0" test,
and it says "No APs found." If I add the BSSID/SSID of my router, it
attempts a test, but fails and gives something to the effect of "0/30: 0%" I
have done a "airmon-ng start wlan0" before attempting this.

I have tested with two routers with the same result.

Looking through the patches for linux-rp-2.6.23, the HostAP injection patch
is present.

Potentially relevant information:
Zaurus SL-C3100
Kernel 2.6.23
Angstrom 2007.12
HostAP card (Ambicom WL-1100C)
Aircrack-NG 0.9.1 (from feeds)

Any help would be appreciated, as I'm at a loss here.
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