On 02/06/2008 02:55 PM, Koen Kooi wrote:
> * What changes do people have in store (including uncommitted stuff),
> and what portion of that do they want into the stable branch?
> * Which revisions from .dev would people like to see in the branch?
> (e.g. gpephone updates, navit, klibc, etc)

navit and roadmap are pretty stable. There are couple things I want to 
polish to trim the package down. However, kdrive-1.4 is broken right now 
in .dev, so I'm not able to test on devices to make sure they really 
function well. With that, I should correct my bad choice of flite 
patches in the stable branch.

I have to really fix tosa-asound.state patch.

I think altboot updates should go into stable as well.

To sum up:

navit   (need polish)
roadmap (need polish)
flite   (correct mistake)
alsa-6000x-default.state.patch (not committed yet)


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