Paul Eggleton wrote:
On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Koen Kooi wrote:
New images, including opie-images have been uploaded. If people report
back their experiences to this list (or the user list if that's less
scary) we can move them to the release area.

Thanks. I tested the h2200 opie image and everything seems to be working well.

There is the question of feeds however. I suspect this issue is going to be
contentious, but the base feed contains a huge number of packages, quite a
few of which require X and are therefore mostly of no use to Opie users. We
also need somewhere to put opie packages, which will be of no interest to
those using X-based images.

The opie packages are in the regular feeds right now. Having worked with both split feeds (base/x/opie) and combined feeds I must say I like the combined approach better. Thanks to Holger we can mix qt/e 4.4.1 and qt4-x11 4.4.1 in the same builddir and feeds as well. The only problem I can think of would be libsdl based opie packages, but we could statically link in libsdl-qte to get around that.

Proposals about feed restructuring are always welcome, there's always room for improvement. Preferably before the next branchpoint for the stable branch (end of september according to the blurb)



Is there a possibility we could look at splitting the feeds a little more? Of
course we could leave this until the next Angstrom release, although we'd
still need to put the Opie packages somewhere (then of course there's the
question of which Opie-related packages do we build - I'd err on the side of
building everything and if there are bugs we collect reports and fix them as


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