Bernhard Guillon schrieb:

Now, please explain to me why building-angstrom is now duplicated in a wikipage and why the wiki page shouldn't get deleted.

Well I got it wrong. I thought you tested the apt-get stuff and found it working fine.

I started the wiki page one day before because you mentioned that it would be ok to place it at the wiki.

The page itself is clearly marked as temporary (we still have no discussion pages) and isn't linked anywhere except this mailing list for discussion. I'm so much used to write wiki entrys in mediawiki syntax so it takes a lot of time to learn a new syntax. For this reason I wanted to have a page where the building guide can grow. After it is in a shape you like you can copy the source of the page to the official wiki page and make it read only. But as I mentioned before we need a discussion page for it where it can grow. Easy typos and version upgrades can be added to the discussion page and after review it can get into the offical page. It is really a shame that moinmoin wiki does not support discussion pages without an add on (see other thread) :(. I administrate the wiki now for over two years and it is a tool which I really miss.
Please contribute to the "discussion page" thread as well.

I just saw that you deleted the wiki page.
Why are you asking if you delete it anyway?
Why are you say move documentation if you like and just decide a bit later to delete it. It would be polite from you to reconstruct the page. I don't know if it is possible to reactivate deleted wiki pages with moinmoin but this would be also ok for me.

best regards

Bernhard Guillon

Angstrom-distro-devel mailing list

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