2011/6/7 Joaquim Duran <jduran...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/6/7 Koen Kooi <k...@dominion.thruhere.net>:
>> Op 7 jun 2011, om 12:32 heeft Joaquim Duran het volgende geschreven:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I've detected an error when generating qt4-embedded-gles-4.6.3 receipe.
>> did you clean the non-gles recipe first?
> What do you mean with 'clean'? remove files in 'work' dir?
> Currently, to create the qt4e-demo image I've modified the task-qt4e
> to include qt4-embedded_gles pakcage, then both version of packages
> has been included in the queue of actions. To use qt4-embedded-gles
> instead of qt4-embedded a 'PREFERRED_PROVIDER' command should be used?
> like
> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_qt4-embedded = "qt4-embedded-gles"
> Joaquim Duran

I've added the previous PREFERRED_PROVIDER sentence to local.conf
file. The when running the bitbake command the following error has
been shown:

ERROR: Multiple .bb files are due to be built which each provide

Joaquim Duran

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