Op 21 okt. 2011, om 13:12 heeft Önder Kalacı het volgende geschreven:

> Hi, first of all, I look almost all previous threads but I have not
> seen any posts related to this, if I missed some sorry, in advance.
> Hi, I have a running "tam3517 2.6.32 #238 Fri Jan 28 14:34:15 UTC 2011
> armv7l unknown" machine.
> I need to use cdc-acm.ko, so I try to use
> http://narcissus.angstrom-distribution.org/ to create a whole image
> and then copy the cdc-acm to my working system.
> When I use narcissus to to this, I have the following problem. When I
> try to insmod cdc-acm.ko, there is a format error and  in the dmesg I
> see : cdc_acm: version magic '2.6.32 mod_unload modversions ARMv7 '
> should be '2.6.32 mod_unload ARMv7 ' . What is this "modversions", how
> can I create my kernel modules without that label? Thanks

You need to rebuild your kernel, not try to change the labels, those are there 
for a reason :) The labels ensure your kernel and modules match.


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