
I'm building Angstrom/OE for a beagleboard Xm running in console mode only and I can't figure out how to get connman (via the command line) to configure my wireless card (static IP, DNS server) in the current trunk and equally I am unable to use the regular sysvinit networking scripts as these look to have been superseded by systemd & connman. Manually bringing up the interfaces (ifup wlan0 or /etc/init.d/networking start) works fine (with wpa_supplicant, configured via /etc/network/interfaces). For connman I need to be able to set the name servers to use, static IP address, wpa_supplicant config, as I'm running via a console only, I can't use the gui applet.

A guide to either getting OE to build with sysvinit (rather than systemd) or pointers to configuring network interfaces via connman would be appreciated. I did try changing IMAGE_INIT_MANAGER in the "console-base-image.bb" but the image still boots up with traces of systemd and the old style networking scripts don't run.

I would use the stable images via the narcissus build web page, but there looks to be a bug in the 2.6.32 kernel with the RT3070 driver that is fixed in 2.6.33.

I've trawled the web for the documentation, but can find very little that is relevant to configuring connman.

I'd really appreciate any help from this group.

Best regards, Reuben

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