I installed successfully the narcissus version of Android
on my noname device with System On Chip wm8505 from
Wondermedia Inc. by entering mini2440 as device in the
Platform Builder.
About the procesor I see armv4t in the packages I download.

Now I wanted to run Java apps and installed OpenJDK 
( openjdk-6-jdk ) with opkg in a first attempt.
When I give the check command "java -version" I get
the following error message :
md-signal-handler-sigill : illegal instruction
0xed1c5a06 at 0x441e1790
What do I wrong ? Have I to install other packages first ?

Then I removed OpenJDK and installed the cacao JVM.
Here "java -version" worked and also a simple Java Hello
World program.
But when I run more advanced programs I get an error
message concerning gtkpeer ( libgtkpeer.so ) which is
missing ( it really isnt in /usr/lib/classpath ).
The package classpath I have also installed.
The .ipk version is : cacao_0.99.4-22.5_armv4t

Thank you for any effort in helping me on with this situation.
I hope you are the right addressee for the question.

W. Tintemann
Angstrom-distro-users mailing list

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