Thanks Morgan for the reply!


On Jan 13, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Morgan Gangwere wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 2:14 AM, shiny knight <> wrote:
>> Hi group
>> I have got a beaglebone recently, and I've also purchased an LCD monitor 
>> that interface with it.
>> With the standard build of Angstrom I am able to see that it boots 
>> automagically into a graphical login, where you can pick between XMBC and 
>> Gnome.
>> Now I have few questions:
>> 1) Gnome resolution is basically too high for the LCD resolution (480x200), 
>> so it is close to there any other GUI that I can use to replace 
>> Gnome? I've checked Enlightenment and lxde but neither of them is available 
>> in the opkg list, so I am not really sure what could I put on the system, to 
>> be able to use the lcd monitor. I don't need necessarily a full desktop; I 
>> need something nice to write text, code (in C++ and C, so if there is 
>> support for an IDE I would be happier); occasionally I may use other 
>> applications, but mainly it is for coding and running compiled code on it.
> * I've seen people run Xfce on it nicely.
> * you'll need to build E17 for yourself no matter what you do still
> (it *is* still in development)
> * There is a few decent "small-screen" ui's that come to mind...
> Matchbox and Opie. GTK and QT respectively.
> * Matchbox is part of GPE, the Gnome Palmtop Environment (GPE). It has
> a few nice little features. Nothing keeps you from running vim, or
> even emacs

Is there any guide or step-by-step to build E17 and use Xfce? I am quite new at 
the whole linux world :)

Found some matchbox packages with opkg; not sure thou which one is the one that 
I need (there is a desktop, a keyboard, a panel, a session and a terminal 
variant).  If it allows me to run something close to an IDE (or Nano/emacs) I 
will be more than happy.

No Opie thou, doing a opkg list returns nothing with opie in I have to 
get it from somewhere else?

 Will I see them in the dropdown when gconf launch? I don't really like 
Android, so I am looking for some environment as close as possible to Linux, so 
I can just focus on coding, instead than going trough hoops to make everything 
work :)

If I could launch something like Eclipse from terminal, to code, compile and 
test applications,that would be awesome :)

>> 2) How do I modify the startup GUI that appears automatically after the 
>> login? After doing an upgrade it won't launch anymore; plus I am interested 
>> in learning where the configuration for gnome is stored.
> 2.1) Sounds like an init script issue. GPE has a dedicated login manager.
> 2.2) In a bunch of places. GNOME stores is configuration sometimes in
> D-Bus, sometimes it stores it in ~/.config/gconf, other times its in
> ~/.gconf, and other times its stored in /etc/gconf. There are probably
> a dozen other places I'm missing, too.

I've tracked down the gconf settings, now I need to verify if the script is 
still there after the upgrade; I just wish that the config for X11 and the 
other graphic settings was just in one place; so you can modify it in one place 
and don't worry about the rest :)

> --
> my .sigfile is on vacation.
> I filter everything with an application/ms-* mimetype.
> I write code:
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