Hi Victor, 

I've been trying to install ros-meta on my BeagleBoard-xM using "opkg install" 
but so far each package install goes wrong. Either the package doesn't exist, 
like roscore, or I get a message like "Cannot install package roscore¨. When 
installing a package that does exist according to the Angstrom site:

rosbag devel rosbag version 1.9.47-r0 
I still get the message Cannot install package rosbag. Could you help me out ?


 From: Víctor MV <v.mayor...@gmail.com>
To: angstrom-distro-users@linuxtogo.org 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Angstrom-distro-users] ros version (Huub Van Niekerk)


As far as i'm aware meta-ros started creating recipes for Groovy so that's
the earliest you can go with meta-ros (unless you create your own recipes).

I believe you can get a stable Groovy at this
a bit before the hydro pushes started). I haven't tested thought so
if you run into a problem take a look at earlier commits.



> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:34:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Huub Van Niekerk <huubvanniek...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [Angstrom-distro-users] ros version
> To: "angstrom-distro-users@linuxtogo.org"
>         <angstrom-distro-users@linuxtogo.org>
> Message-ID:
>         <1377156849.52985.yahoomail...@web121303.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi Victor,
> Thank you for the info. Is there a way to use Groovy or an even earlier
> version (Electric, Fuerte) using github? I don't have any experience with
> that. Because using Hydro would make me using 3 different ros versions,
> which is not really recommended.
> Regards,
> Huub
> ________________________________
>  From: V?ctor MV <v.mayor...@gmail.com>
> To: angstrom-distro-users@linuxtogo.org
> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 12:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Angstrom-distro-users] ros version
> Hi Huub,
> Up until a few weeks ago the meta-ros recipes (
> https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros) installed Groovy but recently the
> recipes have been updated to? Hydromedusa ROS version. I'm not sure what's
> the state of the Angstrom feed but if you cross-compile the packages using
> the last commit<
> https://github.com/bmwcarit/meta-ros/commit/cd16977300aeb6cd5beda49ed2baefc999fdf5b2
> >
> you
> will get Hydromedusa.
> Regards,
> V?ctor.
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