If you are really keen on building it like that, you can do it through a 
custom built directive and custom child-attributes, see the sample running 
on plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/piwNFpkeb5AxcbQ1j2oY?p=preview

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:51:41 PM UTC, Богдан Цимбала wrote:
> Some comments inline
> Субота, 28 грудня 2013 р. 04:41:38 UTC+1 користувач Daniel Tabuenca 
> написав:
>> This is a common question/concern by those seeing angular for the first 
>> time. In a sense, it seems as though we've gone backwards in time when we 
>> used to do things like:
>> <div onclick="doSomething()">
>> About the time that jquery started becoming popular, a lot of the 
>> web-development community got sold on "unobtrusive javascript" which a 
>> large part of it meant you would clean the dom from all javascript and then 
>> attach javascript handlers entirely from within a script. One of the 
>> greatest benefits of this approach as it evolved is that it freed us to a 
>> large extent form having to define our handlers globally.
> That's only small part of the top of the iceberg. For me other problems of 
> these approach are much more important, global functions is just one 
> maifestation. It all comes down to one and the same problem (as always) - 
> no separation of concerns. You clearly have at least two tasks when 
> presenting UI to user: visualize (output) and behave (input). Behavior can 
> even be a subject to aspect oriented programming as it can become a cross 
> cutting concern (e.g. resizing and drag and drop). It's always a good idea 
> to separate those concerns. BTW I'm not per sei following unobtrusive as 
> I'm long time forgot it's concepts even.
>> We could now create our handlers in modularized non-global code and then 
>> attach them directly to the dom, and this is the main concept with a lot of 
>> the jquery-based frameworks such as backbone.js. 
>> However, this style of programming did not come without it's downsides. 
>> While the intent was to keep javascript unobtrusive, in practice both the 
>> javascript and the dom intruded on each other all over the place.
>> The dom became filled with extra markup and classes unrelated to style to 
>> make it selectable as well as to hold state:
>> <div> 
>>   <span class="show-person-details" data-person-id="42">Person 2<span>
>>   <div class="person-details hidden" data-person-id="42">This is the 
>> details</div>
>> </div><div>
>>  <span class="show-person-details" data-person-id="43">Person 1<span>
>>  <div class="person-details hidden" data-person-id="43">This is the 
>> details</div>
>> </div>
>> Well two things here:
>    * even in this incarnation it's still "ok" to declare in the view the 
> support of some behavioral interface, it's not how I prefer to do it but 
> it's better then inlining the implementation on that place
>    * in proper setup you can easily get away from view even bothering 
> about knowing that id - your view is bound to a model which holds the id 
> and your behavior can read that from model, the only requirement from the 
> view is to mark the action blocks, but again even that could be replaced 
> with mini behaviors and scopes.
>> The javascript became littered with complex selector expressions, css 
>> classes
> again I think quite good abstract interfacing (you can easily scale to XML 
> like that for example). 
>> , and lots of dom manipulation code:
>>   $('.show-person-details').click(function(ev){
>>     var personSpan = $(ev.target);
>>     var personId =  personSpan.data("person-id");
>>     $('.person-details[data-person-id='+personId+']).removeClass("hidden");
>> });
>>  That's not per sei necessary if you have good view technology which 
> takes model as input and renders it - you code changes quite drastically to 
> a more readable and scalable version. And this example is not much better 
> than previous - you still define one global listener where everything is 
> bulked together, it's maybe unobtrusive but not properly separated.
>> This is just a simple example, on many a real-world project this can get 
>> much worse. In any case the dom clearly intruded into the javascript, and 
>> the javascript intruded into the dom (in the form of unecessary selectors 
>> and data attributes, hidden inputs, etc...). 
>> The philosophy of angular is to elminate the real fundamental issue we 
>> had with onclick= style handlers which is the fact that they were 
>> global. It does this by creating a scope hierarchy (controlled by 
>> Controllers and Directives) that allows you to map state neatly and in a 
>> modular fashion onto the DOM tree we are all familiar with. 
> As I'm mentioning - it's not what I would like to achieve - I would like 
> to keep behavior and rendering separated and I would like to be able to use 
> OO means to model and encapsulate behavior (even for cross cutting 
> behavior). Behavior can span multiple events and can have own presenataion 
> models, it is a mess to take all behavior event handling (and possible 
> state) bulk it all together and then mash it into the view. It hurts all 
> aspects that I'm striving for.
>> I can do the equivalent of the above example purely in the html (assuming 
>> that persons object already exists in our scope):
>> <div ng-repeat="person in persons">
>>  <span ng-click="person.detailsVisible= true">{{person.name}}<span>
>>  <div   ng-show="person.detailsVisible">{{person.details}}</div></div>
>> This is very easy to understand, even for someone who's never used 
>> angular. Simply by looking at the markup I can tell exactly what the 
>> behavior of this will be. Furthermore, I've removed the need to do any 
>> custom javascript logic or dom manipulation in order to show/hide the 
>> details. 
> Now few things about this:
>     * say someone puts 0 or -1 or {} or [] or whatever other value there - 
> which test of yours fail?
>     * what stops me from starting to write 'person.detailsVisible = 
> person.details ? !person.detailsVisible : false;' (and again go untested)?
>     * so say nothing stoped me from doing above how do I support touch? I 
> would guess in Angular you would push it in scope and mix data with 
> behavior, well ok...
>     * what if I have not only person but also group or some other entity 
> and and it happens to also have details but the display is quite different 
> - what is the appropriate structuring in angular to achieve this quite 
> simple structure?
> It just feels like a natural structuring for me to have separation between 
> Presentation, View and Behavior.
> While it might not be incredibly difficult in the simple jQuery example 
>> above to tell what the code might do, I've often have had to jump on 
>> existing large projects where figuring out what the page is supposed to do 
>> is an incredibly difficult task. The DOM is litered with classes, but which 
>> ones are for style? Which ones are to make it easier to use selectors to 
>> bind some event? How do I know what's clickable, and how different parts of 
>> the page might be related? How am I supposed to know that deep down in some 
>> obscure part of the code some event is bound that does something I did not 
>> expect?
> That's essential problem with lack of separation of concerns: 
>    * when resolving problem from rendering space (how to visualize 
> something or why it's not visualized as expected) you look into view 
> (templates, HTML, CSS, media)
>    * when resolving problem from behavioral space (how to react on input, 
> why reaction on input is incorrect) you look into behavior (JS behavior 
> modules) and it's interface part in view (templates)
>    * when resolving problem from presentational space (what information to 
> present to user, how user can reach needed goals) you look into your 
> presentation model (JS modules)
> And of course it should be a clear syntax where the binding points are. I 
> prefix classes in HTML with js- to indicate that they are behavioral 
> markers, plus CSS is linted against using classes with those prefixes. As I 
> don't really care about validators (we use XHTML anyway) I could use just 
> custom attributes to simplify things.
>> Sure, with discipline, great care, and tight organization you can 
>> alleviate some of the pain, but I've been on projects with very talented 
>> developers and strict code organization that still eventually become 
>> somewhat of a mess.
>> One of the difficulties I think you will face is in trying to integrate 
>> with your existing way of doing things.
>> While angular itself is fairly low-level, flexible, and certainly not as 
>> perscriptive as some other frameworks (e.g. ember.js), you will still run 
>> into quite a bit of friction if you don't do things "the angular way". 
>> What people often mean when they say "the angular way" is really just 
>> designing the application in a more declarative way. This is fundamentally 
>> different than the imperative patterns people are used to from using jQuery.
> What I describe is purely declarative separation, even behavior classes 
> can be structured by convention to have declarative look and be 
> inspectable. 
>>  In the first person/details example above the code is entirely 
>> imperative. The click calls a click handler which instructs the browser to 
>> lookup a piece of dom and hide it. The click is tightly coupled to what 
>> must happen as the result of the click. 
>> In the angular (declarative example) we break things up into independent 
>> actions. The click simply sets the state detailsVisible on the person. 
>> The details simply is setup to show the details whenever the detailsVisible 
>> flag is true. It is completely decoupled from the click action. It doesn't 
>> care whether the detailsVisible flag was set by a click handler, by 
>> javascript code, by some bound checkbox, loaded from the server that way, 
>> etc.... 
> What I describe is the quite same, just the way how actually that 
> "detailsVisible" is changed is moved into presentation model into something 
> like toggleDetails() but than how is that action triggered is encapsulated 
> in behavior entity. So your concept of declarative view stays there it is 
> automatically updated cause the scope changed, but the only thing it would 
> describe on how is that happen from that view is by mentioning behavior 
> class name.
> A hypothetic syntax in Angular:
> <ng:repeat items="persons" var="person" behavior="ExpandableBlock">
>    <span class="js-expandable-block-toggle">{{person.name}}<span>   <div 
> ng-show="person.detailsVisible">{{person.details}}</div></ng:repeat>
> In any case, what I understand from Majid is I should use directive for 
> that. That's kinda clear, but that's what I also miss explicit concept for 
> behavior and rather very low level processing instructions. So I already 
> tried to evaluate how I can bind my behavior classes to some custom 
> directive, but for now what I fail to see is the life cycle of directive.
> For my purposes as described above I would be attaching the behavior to 
> each item. From angular I get the creation phase which is good, but now 
> when the list of persons change, I need to dettach the behavior instance 
> from ghost HTML (and detach in genral, think for example when it has global 
> event listening to close drop down or something).
> So first question in my journey is how do I achieve that?

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