How did you fix this? Also stucked with this problem

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 2:59:55 AM UTC+3, AndrewM wrote:
> I tried a solution similar to what you are proposing without any luck. See 
> the fiddle here for the crash using the directive method: 
> Actually, I based my fiddle on angular batarang's recursive tree directive 
> here: 
> I am out of ideas as to how to solve this problem. It seems that either 
> deep tree rendering is impossible by design or that this is a bug/corner 
> case with angular.
> Any more ideas?
> Thanks
> On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 3:45:50 PM UTC-5, Marco Rinck wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> Hmm, I wanted to write some pseudo-code to make myself clear. 
>> Unfortunately that only resulted in that I think that its not as easy as I 
>> thought at first glance. Damn it :-) 
>> But the directive approach could still work if a directive can build the 
>> output and include itself for. Something like recursive directives. I don't 
>> know if that would work, haven't tested that. 
>> In pseudo-code it would look like this: 
>> In your html: 
>> <comment-directive comments="controller.comments" />
>> And the template of the directive: 
>> <ul>
>>   <li ng-repeat="comment in comments">
>>       {{}} {{}} 
>>       {{comment.text}}
>>       <div ng-show="comment.hasSubComments()">
>>           <comment-directive comments="comment.subComments" />
>>      </div>
>>   </li>
>> </ul>
>> But as I said, I haven't tested that. 
>> Marco
>> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013 21:28:30 UTC+1 schrieb AndrewM:
>>> Hi Marco,
>>> Could you elaborate on what you mean by using a directive to loop over 
>>> the comments and display them? Does a directive somehow prevent the digests 
>>> caused by ng-reapeat from happening? I will still have more than 9 levels 
>>> of nesting regardless (could have 100, it is an arbitrary amount set by 
>>> user behavior). 
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:46:16 PM UTC-5, Marco Rinck wrote:
>>>> Hi Andrew, 
>>>> I think this error is a safety net by the angular devs to prevent an 
>>>> infinite loop of digests. In any normal application there should ALWAYS be 
>>>> a way around this limitation.  
>>>> You should implement your comments as an directive and loop over your 
>>>> comments and use the directive to display them.    
>>>> Marco
>>>> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013 20:13:52 UTC+1 schrieb AndrewM:
>>>>> I have an app in which I am trying to display a nested comments 
>>>>> thread. This thread of comments is in a tree structure and may be 
>>>>> arbitrarily deep. To accomplish this I am using ng-repeat on a template 
>>>>> which uses ng-include to recursively render itself. 
>>>>> The problem is that once any comments thread gets to a depth > 9 
>>>>> angularjs crashes with "Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. 
>>>>> Aborting!". 
>>>>> Is my method of rendering an arbitrary depth tree wrong? I think that 
>>>>> tree rendering must be a common pattern but I cannot find other examples 
>>>>> of 
>>>>> this error being thrown due to tree depth and recursive ng-include.
>>>>> See this fiddle for a simplified example of the bug/problem: 
>>>>> If the 10th level of nested data is removed the exmaple runs. Add the 
>>>>> 10th level of nested data back in and the console will spit out "Error: 
>>>>> 10 
>>>>> $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!". 

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