Dear all,

I have just uploaded to CRAN a new version of adehabitatLT and adehabitatHR.
Significant changes in adehabitatLT are listed below:

* The residence time method of Barraquand and Benhamou (2008) is now implemented in the function residenceTime.

* The segmentation method of Lavielle (2000) (used for the residence time) is now implemented in the function lavielle.

* The function redisltraj now takes an additional argument type=c("space","time"). When type == "space", a rediscretization of the trajectory in steps of equal length is carried out (as previously). When type == "time", a rediscretization of the trajectory in steps of equal duration is carried out.

* a new function na.omit.ltraj can be used to remove missing values from a trajectory

* Several functions are now available to build null models for trajectory analysis (see the help page of the function testNM, as well as the vignette for additional information).

Significant changes in adehabitatHR are listed below:

* There is a major change in the function BRB: in the previous version of adehabitatHR, there was a slight inconsistency in the package design: whereas all the parameters characterizing the steps in an object of class "ltraj" (e.g. ‘dist, dx, dy’) describe the step between relocations i and i+1, it was required for ‘BRB’ that the activity described the proportion of activity time between relocation i-1 and i. This inconsistency has been corrected in the new version: the activity measured at relocation i should correspond to the activity of the animal between relocation i and i+1.

* The dependencies of adehabitatHR on the packages tripack and gpclib have been replaced by dependencies on the packages deldir and rgeos to circumvent the serious licence issues of the former.

All major changes are documented in the vignettes of the packages.
Happy testing,

Clément Calenge

Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
Direction des Etudes et de la Recherche
Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
tel. (33)

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