Dear Benoit,

From a purely technical point of view, when such a problem arises, you can try to change the code of the function with the function edit(). That is, to type:

mcp <- edit(mcp)

at the prompt and look for the lines of code that you want to remove. In this case, you just have to remove:

    if (min(table(id)) < 5)
        stop("At least 5 relocations are required to fit an home range")

Therefore, copy-paste the following function in R, to remove this constraint:

mcp <- function (xy, id, percent = 95)
    if (length(id) != nrow(xy))
        stop("xy and id should be of the same length")
    if (percent > 100) {
        warning("The MCP is estimated using all relocations (percent>100)")
        percent <- 100
    id <- id[![, 1])]
    id <- id[![, 2])]
    xy <- xy[![, 1]), ]
    xy <- xy[![, 2]), ]
    id <- factor(id)
    r <- split(xy, id)
    est.cdg <- function(xy) apply(xy, 2, mean)
    cdg <- lapply(r, est.cdg)
    levid <- levels(id)
    X <- 0
    Y <- 0
    ID <- "0"
    for (i in 1:nlevels(id)) {
        k <- levid[i]
        df.t <- r[[levid[i]]]
        cdg.t <- cdg[[levid[i]]]
        dist.cdg <- function(xyt) {
            d <- sqrt(((xyt[1] - cdg.t[1])^2) + ((xyt[2] - cdg.t[2])^2))
        di <- apply(df.t, 1, dist.cdg)
        key <- c(1:length(di))
        acons <- key[di <= quantile(di, percent/100)]
        xy.t <- df.t[acons, ]
        coords.t <- chull(xy.t[, 1], xy.t[, 2])
        xy.bord <- xy.t[coords.t, ]
        X <- c(X, xy.bord[, 1])
        Y <- c(Y, xy.bord[, 2])
        ID <- c(ID, rep(as.character(levid[i]), nrow(xy.bord)))
    ID <-
    res <-, X, Y)
    res <- res[-1, ]
    res[, 1] <- factor(res[, 1])
    names(res) <- c("ID", "X", "Y")
    res <- as.area(res)


Clément Calenge

On 12/06/2011 02:45 PM, wrote:
Dear AniMove list

I would like to calculate an area using 100%MCP based on at least 3
geolocalized points (eg traps); Unfortunately, there is an error
message in ?adehabitat? indicating that MCP cannot be calculated with
less than 5 coordinates (which is ? of course - obviously fine for the
vast majority of home range analyses).
However, my main aim is to investigate if core area sizes obtained
from radio-tracked small rodents (22 chipmunks) on a short time scale
(ie a month) could be predicted from the area formed by the polygon of
traps where individuals have been caught and released during the
tracking study. The underlying hypothesis is: does the trapping data
reflect ? or not ? the area most intensely used by these rodents.

Any help would be appreciated for a poor lonesome rodent-trapper that
is not used to get deeper into the cabalistic codes of R functions ;))


Benoit Pisanu
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Département Ecologie et Gestion de la Biodiversité
Conservation des espèces, restauration et suivi des populations
61, rue Buffon,  Case postale 53
75231 PARIS cedex 05
Tel : 01 40 79 32 69

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