Hi everybody,

I'm using qgis1.7.3 and the R-adehabitat package to evaluate the home range of 
my fish in a marine protected area.

Well, I'm interested in comparing the different KUD. LSCV, h-adj, h-ref, but 
when I launch the application, I can get data about MCP and kud h-ref only, 
with the following message:

R message (kernel LSCV): no subset converged, no output.


I have lots of FIX with the same coordinates due to the proximity of fish 
shelter to a receiver location.

Arcview3 with animal movement routine is able to calculate LSCV kud while 
Arcgis9 and HRT routine seems to have the same "problem" of QGis.


My pc setup is winXP sp3, qgis1.7.3, R2.11.1.


Thanks in advance or your help and merry Christmas!




dr. V. Maximiliano Giacalone
Marine Biologist
National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment 
Via del Mare, n°3 
91021 - Torretta Granitola (Tp, Italy)
Phone: +39 0924 40600       
Fax:  +39 0924 40445 
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