Hi Leila,

Please avoid cross posting. Choose one list, and if you do not have any reply, try the other.

My question is:

Is there a way to use a bandwidth matrix to calculate a kernel in adehabitat?

No, this approach is not implemented.

So far I've been calculating kernels using GME. However, I want to calculate kernel overlap in adehabitat so I'd like to find a way to include a plug-in bandwidth kernel in adehabitat if possible.

If anyone has any suggestions for either importing a GME-calculated kernel file into adehabitat in a way that allows its conversion into an estud class file, or using a bandwidth matrix for kernel calculation in adehabitat, I would really appreciate it.

GME generates an ERDAS imagine map. I do not know this format very well, but it should be possible either to convert it to an other format with a GIS (e.g. ascii grid file) and to import it using readAsciiGrid from maptools, or to import it directly using the functions of the package rgdal (see the function readGDAL). Once the map has been imported as a spatialPixelsDataFrame, say as an object named ud, the conversion to the estUD class is straightforward:

fullgrid(ud) <- FALSE
hli <- list(h = 1, meth="specified")
ud <- new("estUD", ud)
slot(ud, "h") <- hli
slot(ud, "vol") <- FALSE


Clément Calenge.

Cellule d'appui à l'analyse de données
Direction des Etudes et de la Recherche
Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage
Saint Benoist - 78610 Auffargis
tel. (33)

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