
I have a question concerning the ADEhabitatLT package in R. We are analyzing 
GPS data of beavers sampled at an 15 min interval from approx. 7 pm  - 7 am for 
7 nights. The aim of our study is to look at changes in movement behavior after 
capture (we tag them with GPS units and release them afterwards).

We used the ltraj function to create an ltraj object with bursts for every 
individual. We then divided the bursts into sub-bursts for every night with 
cutltraj by using time lags over 8 hrs (when beavers are inside the lodge 
during daytime) for splitting up. However, we get a warning message saying that

Warning message:
In cutltraj(Beav, "foo(dt)", nextr = TRUE) :
  At least 3 relocations are needed for a burst
9 relocations have been deleted

For our purpose, the first night after capture is really important. And just 
for this night, we sometimes only got 2 relocations since the animals went into 
their lodge (no GPS signal), meaning that the function just deletes the first 
night for some of our animals. We thus would like to include these bursts for 
analysis and wonder whether there is a possibility to create a burst with only 
2 relocations?
We do see that it's not possible to calculate turning angles by using only 2 
reloc, but we would like to include "time active" and maybe distance for our 

This is the code we use

xy <- coordinates(GPSbeaver1 [,c("x","y")])
Beav <- as.ltraj(xy = GPSbeaver1[,c("x", "y")], date=GPSbeaver1$localtime, 
id=GPSbeaver1$ID, infolocs=GPSbeaver1[,c(2:4,9:10)])

Beav1 <- ld(Beav) # creates a dataframe of all datapoints

foo <- function(dt) {
  return(dt> (3600*8))
Beav2 <- cutltraj(Beav, "foo(dt)", nextr = TRUE)

Thanks a lot for your time!

All the best,


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