The Apache MINA project team is proud to announce the new Milestone
of Apache MINA version 2.0.0-M5, a bug fix release. Next version
will be a Release Candidate.

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over
various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.

The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
learn MINA as soon as possible.

The changeLog is provided at the end of this mail

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Quick links:
* Homepage -
* FAQ -
* Testimonials -
* Documentation -
* Performance -

The Apache MINA project team is always open for your feedback.  Please
let us know what you think about MINA via our mailing list and support

Thank you !

Release Notes - MINA - Version 2.0.0-M5

   * [DIRMINA-626] - Compilation Error in
   * [DIRMINA-646] - More than required data sent on serial port
through serial transport
   * [DIRMINA-647] - WriteFuture.isWritten() never returns true even
when data is actually sent on the serial port using serial transport
   * [DIRMINA-648] - Typo in LoggingFilter-API
   * [DIRMINA-652] -
Socks5LogicHandler.encodeProxyRequestPacket(final SocksProxyRequest
request) should check that the result of request.getEndpointAddress()
is resolved before using it
   * [DIRMINA-653] - IoSession.write not thread-safe? Loosing
messages under heavy multi-threaded write on same session.
   * [DIRMINA-658] - BufferedWriteFilter does not pass session closed
or exception caught events up the filter chain
   * [DIRMINA-664] - EMPTY_* IoBuffer constants can be made mutable
and cause data errors
   * [DIRMINA-665] - AbstractIoSession#getId() can cause collisions
which lead to sessionClosed calls without sessionCreated
   * [DIRMINA-667] - NioDatagramConnector.newHandle leaks
DatagramChannels on bind exception
   * [DIRMINA-674] - Mina xbean module requires mina-core for compile scope
   * [DIRMINA-675] - Duplicate data from decoder
   * [DIRMINA-676] - ObjectMBean throws NullPointerException when
accessing non-existing attributes
   * [DIRMINA-677] - AbstractIoSession sometimes throws
java.lang.Error in toString()


   * [DIRMINA-594] - Javadoc & documentation for APR transport
   * [DIRMINA-605] - Add documentation for using and building serial
port connection
   * [DIRMINA-644] - OSGi exported packages should contain the mina version
   * [DIRMINA-649] - The OSGi exported packages should contain the
version number of the package

New Feature

   * [DIRMINA-520] - DemuxingIoHandler for SingleSessionIoHandlers


   * [DIRMINA-32] - Revise JavaDoc, PPT, and Tutorial

The Apache MINA PMC.

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