The all-volunteer Apache Software Foundation (ASF) develops, stewards, and 
incubates nearly 150 Open Source projects and initiatives, many of which power 
mission-critical applications in financial services, aerospace, publishing, 
government, healthcare, research, infrastructure, and more.

Did you know that 50% of the Top 10 downloaded Open Source products are Apache 

Did you know that most Enterprise Java solutions are built using Apache? 

We are pleased to showcase Apache Pivot, the full-featured, professional-grade 
Java development platform for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs).

Quick peek: RIAs are distributed Web applications that are delivered via 
site-specific browsers, plug-ins, sandboxes, or virtual machines. Apache Pivot 
provides a foundation upon which sophisticated and engaging applications can be 
easily built and deployed over the Web. Pivot combines the enhanced 
productivity and usability features of a modern RIA toolkit with the robustness 
of the industry-standard Java platform, leveraging its comprehensive feature 
set and extensive industry support.

Background: initially developed at VMWare, Pivot was accepted into the Apache 
Incubator in January 2009 and graduated as an Apache Top-Level Project in 
December 2009.

Why Pivot:  Like other RIA platforms, Pivot includes features that make 
building modern GUI applications easier, including:

- An XML-based markup language for declaring the structure of a user interface
- Stylable themes (aka "skins")
- Data binding
- Animated effects and transitions
- Web Services integration

Pivot is the only RIA framework that allows developers to build applications 
for the Java plugin using Java or any other JVM-compatible language, such as 
JavaScript, Groovy, or Scala. Pivot is also the only truly open RIA framework: 
it is completely Open Source, and is driven entirely by the software 
development community.

Pivot allows developers to build applications using languages, tools, and APIs 
they already know, reducing technology sprawl and streamlining solution 
techonlogy stacks.

What's under the hood: Pivot 1.5 improves the overall application development 
experience through

- Expanded Data binding across a much larger collection of components and 
properties, as well as BindType enum to allow a caller to control the bind 
direction (load, store, or both).

- New Pub/Sub (publish/subscribe) API to facilitate decoupled messaging within 
a Pivot application.

- New SuggestionPopup component to simplify the task of adding "auto-complete" 
or "lookup" functionality to a TextInput and to provide "combo box"-like 
behavior in an application.

- Overhauled Form improvements, including more prominent flagged fields and 
flag icons more consistent with the overall Pivot look and feel.

- Improved Text rendering by Pivot components to be consistent with natively 
rendered text.

- Improved Bindable interface that simplifies WTKX and Java code integration, 
including a Resources argument to the initialize() method to provide the caller 
with access to the resource bundle used to load the WTKX file.

- Enhanced look and feel such as tab and Push button-like components 
(PushButton, ListButton, CalendarButton, etc.) with slightly rounded corners 
and bevel consistency.

- Streamlined QueryServlet API which is more consistent with Web query client 
API, making it easier to write Pivot applications that provide and take 
advantage of REST-based Web Services.

- New ResultList class (org.apache.pivot.sql.ResultList) added to simplify the 
task of returning JDBC result data from a Web query, and to transform SQL a 
result set into a JSON or CSV response without the need for any intermediary 
transformation (the data is transformed on the fly as it is read from the 

- New FileSerializer to simplify the task of writing file upload applications 
in Pivot.

Latest release: Apache Pivot 1.5 on 4 June 2010 under the Apache License v.2.0.

Downloads, documentation, examples, and more information: visit .

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