The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.13.0!

This release marks the thirteenth minor release of Wicket 6. Starting
with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development of
Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release compared
to 6.0.0.

New and noteworthy

This release fixes 25 bugs and adds the following improvements:

 * Online Wicket User guide (see below)
 * CDI 1.1 support (see below)
 * JQuery upgraded from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2
 * Implemented BigIntegerConverter
 * Migrate Wicket-Atmosphere to Atmosphere 2

New Wicket User guide

After many years of people asking for a reference guide for Apache
Wicket we finally were able to add one to our site thanks to Andrea del
Bene and comSysto for writing the guide and providing the hours of
converting it to our site.

You can read the manual in 3 forms: multi page HTML, single page HTML
and PDF.

The contents:
 - Introduction
 - How to use the example code
 - Why should I learn Wicket?
 - Wicket says "Hello, World!"
 - Wicket as page layout manager
 - Keeping control over HTML
 - Component Lifecycle
 - Page versioning and caching
 - Under the hood of request processing
 - Wicket Links and URL generation
 - Wicket models and forms
 - Wicket forms in detail
 - Displaying multiple items with repeaters
 - Internationalization with Wicket
 - Resource management with Wicket
 - An example of integration with JavaScript
 - Wicket advanced topics
 - Working with AJAX
 - Integration with enterprise containers
 - Security with Wicket
 - Test Driven Development with Wicket
 - Test Driven Development with Wicket and Spring
 - Wicket Best Practices
 - Working with Maven (Appendix)
 - Project WicketStuff (Appendix)
 - Lost in redirection with Apache Wicket (Appendix)
 - Contributing to this guide (Appendix)

Read more in the "User guide" by following this link:

New CDI-1.1 integration project

A new (experimental) module for CDI integration was added to support
CDI 1.1 with Wicket. As CDI 1.0 and 1.1 are different beasts and not
compatible, we had to craft a new module with specific support for the
new CDI standard. The module is still experimental, but we expect to
make it a default module in a couple of releases.

You can use the new Wicket CDI module by including the following
dependency in your POM:


Note that you have to remove the old wicket-cdi module and the Seam
conversation dependency: org.jboss.seam.conversation:seam-conversation-weld

For more information about what is new in CDI 1.1 read this blog post
by Pete Muir:

JQuery update in 6.9.0

As of Wicket 6.9 we ship JQuery 1.10.1. The JQuery project has
decided to remove deprecated APIs from their codebase from JQuery 1.9
and up. This means that JQuery plugins using these deprecated APIs no
longer work. See the JQuery migration guide for more information,
available from

If your application depends on these deprecated APIs you can easily
downgrade to JQuery 1.8.3-the previously provided JQuery that still
contains these APIs. Download the 1.8.3 release of jquery and add it
to your project in its application's init method:

    protected void init() {

CDI injection issue

In the CDI releases of Weld 2.0.1 and prior, it was assumed that
injection in anonymous inner classes was not legal and when
attempted, it resulted in an exception:

    Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException:
    WELD-000070 Simple bean [EnhancedAnnotatedTypeImpl] private class
    com.example.HomePage$AForm cannot be a non-static inner class

This was reported as, as it became an
issue in Glassfish 4, which ships with Weld 2.0.1 (or earlier). We
implemented a fix for this particular issue by not injecting into
anonymous inner classes.

Unfortunately this was not a bug that needed fixing on our part, but
rather in the Weld framework (see

Therefore we reverted the commits done for WICKET-5226 and hope that
Glassfish will upgrade their Weld implementation soon. For the whole
story read

Glassfish has fixed this in trunk according to

but the fix has yet to be integrated into a release.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team


Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.13.0

** Bug

    * [WICKET-4294] - AutoCompleteTextField does not show suggestions
when it is used on ModalWindow in InternetExplorer
    * [WICKET-4997] - Mounted bookmarkable Page not recreated on Session Expiry
    * [WICKET-5084] - ClassNotFoundException with Atmosphere on
Bookmarkable pages
    * [WICKET-5224] - ModalWindow is not visible in Safari when opened
from a link at the bottom of a large page
    * [WICKET-5321] - Incorporate Wicket Guide into website
    * [WICKET-5379] - IE7: AutoCompleteTextField inside a ModalWindow
shows auto complete dropdown behind ModalWindow
    * [WICKET-5387] - Page#onInitialize called after an exception in
the constructor of Page
    * [WICKET-5400] - Behaviors#internalAdd(Behavior) erroneously gets
id for stateless behaviors
    * [WICKET-5402] - NullPointerException when logging out with
    * [WICKET-5404] - JQuery 1.10.1 does not work well with IE11,
upgrade to 1.10.2
    * [WICKET-5409] - wicket-native-websocket does not work with
Safari/Safari iOS
    * [WICKET-5413] - Positioning AutoCompleteTextField not correct on
resized window
    * [WICKET-5416] - BOM in UTF markup file breaks encoding detection
    * [WICKET-5418] - PropertyValidator ignoring groups with the
@NotNull annotation only
    * [WICKET-5422] - ComponentRenderer.renderComponent() adds a page
to DataStore
    * [WICKET-5424] - Page.isPageStateless() returning true in regular
run but false in WicketTester
    * [WICKET-5425] - WicketTester doesn't preserve the request
cookies when #executeListener() is used
    * [WICKET-5426] - Page not recognized as stateless although
stateful component is hidden in #onConfigure()
    * [WICKET-5429] - ResourceReference's properties are not preserved
when using reference replacement
    * [WICKET-5437] - When a ConversionException is thrown, its
message is not used in the ValidationError
    * [WICKET-5441] - IResourceCachingStrategy implementations should
only set caching if version matches
    * [WICKET-5442] - TimeOfDay.valueOf(Calendar, Time) and
TimeOfDay.valueOf(Time) incorrectly use 12-hour clock
    * [WICKET-5444] - Make
org.apache.wicket.pageStore.memory.PageTable public so custom impls of
IDataStoreEvictionStrategy can be made
    * [WICKET-5447] - TableTree's NodeBorder does not properly close divs
    * [WICKET-5450] - Double escaping when using EnumChoiceRenderer
and DropDownChoice

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-4268] - Quality of ThumbnailImageResource
    * [WICKET-4762] - IResourceVersion should be based on final result
    * [WICKET-4905] - PagingNavigation: possible to call
setStartIndex() earlier than onBeforeRender?
    * [WICKET-4909] - ModalWindow overwrites window.onbeforeunload
    * [WICKET-5364] - Reduce logging for wicket-atmosphere
    * [WICKET-5367] - migrate Wicket-Atmosphere to Atmosphere 2
    * [WICKET-5401] - provide no-argument constructor in string based
header items
    * [WICKET-5411] - Improve AutoLabels by updating their CSS classes
automatically during Ajax requests
    * [WICKET-5415] - Do not initialize pages which were not rendered
    * [WICKET-5420] - Make UploadProgressBar easier to extend
    * [WICKET-5423] - Create IResource based implementation of Native
Web Sockets
    * [WICKET-5435] - Ajaxified version of WebSession#getClientInfo
should be added
    * [WICKET-5436] - Implement BigIntegerConverter
    * [WICKET-5443] - Increase randomness and reduce predictability of
CaptchaImageResource rendered images
    * [WICKET-5445] - Make CaptchaImageResource easier to extend and reuse
    * [WICKET-5455] - Allow access to the JS ResourceReference of
    * [WICKET-5456] - Make RawMarkup extendable

** Task

    * [WICKET-5431] - Download pages must use ASF mirror system for
current releases

** Wish

    * [WICKET-1197] - add/remove all buttons in Palette component
    * [WICKET-4951] - Wicket-cdi and OpenWebBeans 1.1.x incompatibility

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