We have released the third in a series of milestone releases for Apache
Wicket 7. We aim to finalise Wicket 7 over the coming months and
request your help in testing the new major version.


It is still a development version so expect API breaks to happen over
the course of the coming milestone releases.

Semantic versioning

As we adopted semver Wicket 7 will be the first release since 6.0
where we are able to refactor the API. We will continue to use semver
when we have made Wicket 7 final and maintain api compatibility
between minor versions of Wicket 7.


Wicket 7 requires the following:

 - Java 7
 - Servlet 3 compatible container

You can't mix wicket libraries from prior Wicket versions with Wicket 7.

Migration guide

As usual we have a migration guide available online for people
migrating their applications to Wicket 7. We will continue to update
the guide as development progresses. If you find something that is not
in the guide, please update the guide, or let us know so we can update
the guide.

You can find the guide here:  http://s.apache.org/wicket7migrate

Using this release

This is pre-release software: use at your own peril!

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.0.0-M2
 * Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.0.0-M2/binaries

Have fun and let us know what you think!


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for apache-wicket-7.0.0-M3.zip:

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org


Signature for apache-wicket-7.0.0-M3.tar.gz:

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org



CHANGELOG for 7.0.0-M3:


* [WICKET-5633] - Make JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse
non-final to be able to create custom filters


* [WICKET-5241] - RequestLogger's server duration does not include
'detach duration'
* [WICKET-5371] - IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'page' may not be
null. - when sending event from asynchronous process
* [WICKET-5564] - AjaxRequestTarget.focusComponent() does not work
when two Ajax responses arrive next to each other
* [WICKET-5578] - Stateless/Statefull pages - incorrect behaviour
* [WICKET-5603] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior attached to DropDownChoice
produces two Ajax requests in Chrome v35
* [WICKET-5607] - Wicket Ajax fires calls scheduled by
AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior even after unload of the page
* [WICKET-5609] - AutoCompleteTextField can only complete text that is
visible on screen browser screen
* [WICKET-5615] - UploadProgressBar does not show up if no
FileUploadField is given
* [WICKET-5616] - CLONE - ModalWindow is not visible in Safari when
opened from a link at the bottom of a large page
* [WICKET-5619] - ConcurrentModificationException may occur when
calling EventBus.post()
* [WICKET-5624] - Do not throw when WebSocket is not supported
* [WICKET-5626] - ConcatBundleResource#reportError() doesn't print the
resource attributes
* [WICKET-5630] - Fix last button translation germany of wizard to 'Letzter'
* [WICKET-5631] - Allow submitting with POST method for PhantomJS
* [WICKET-5636] - Update StatelessForm's and AbstractRepeater's
javadoc that FormComponents should be repeated only with RepeatingView
* [WICKET-5637] - Fix the encoding of the Chinese translations for
Wizard component
* [WICKET-5639] - ResourceResponse does not write headers when status
code is set
* [WICKET-5643] - WebPageRenderer should bind a Session if redirect is
required and the session is temporary.
* [WICKET-5644] - AjaxWizardButtonBar broken since ARA#preventDefault is false
* [WICKET-5647] - missing generic cast causes compile error on OS X / jdk 8
* [WICKET-5655] - Problem with setting of IComponentInheritedModel and
* [WICKET-5656] - PropertyResolver does not scan for NotNull in annotation tree
* [WICKET-5657] - wicket-autocomplete may fail after preceeding Ajax request
* [WICKET-5662] - @SpringBean(name="something", required=false) still
throws org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No bean named 'something' is defined
* [WICKET-5670] - org.apache.wicket.protocol.ws.api.registry.IKey
should be Serializable (IClusterable)
* [WICKET-5679] - RenderStrategy REDIRECT_TO_RENDER lets fail test
with BaseWicketTester#startComponentInPage
* [WICKET-5680] - AjaxEditableLabel keeps raw input after cancel
following a validation failure
* [WICKET-5682] - AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior fails to trigger
* [WICKET-5684] - Autocomplete example renders the search term
* [WICKET-5686] - @Inject should require the bean dependency instead
of setting null
* [WICKET-5687] - content type in header is being lost when using a
* [WICKET-5688] - Restore the functionality an IPageManager to be able
to clean all data/pages for the current session


* [WICKET-4344] - Implement onValidateModelObjects() and
beforeUpdateFormComponentModels() for nested forms
* [WICKET-4660] - Make it possible to notify about Atmosphere internal events
* [WICKET-5349] - Replace <table> usage in non-tabular markup
* [WICKET-5452] - Make Wicket-Atmosphere testable - AtmosphereTester
* [WICKET-5602] - DynamicImageResource should set the mime type after
reading the image data
* [WICKET-5605] - Store browser capabilities in local variables in
* [WICKET-5611] - Add AjaxChannel.DEFAULT constant = "0" and type "Queue"
* [WICKET-5617] - Make it possible to set markup id to CSS header contributions
* [WICKET-5620] - Remove second <listener-class> for CDI related stuff
in wicket-examples' web.xml
* [WICKET-5627] - broadcastMessage(): hook to set more thread-local
context before rendering components
* [WICKET-5628] - Introduce a marker interface for exception which are
recommended to be handler by the framework
* [WICKET-5629] - Add an HeaderItem for meta data tags such as <meta>
or canonical <link>
* [WICKET-5634] - Add IObjectCheckers that fails the serialization
when the Session or another Page are serialized
* [WICKET-5635] - Provide a way to modify
ResourceReferenceRegistry.DefaultResourceReferenceFactory externally
to be used by wicket-bootstrap-less
* [WICKET-5640] - Reduce the mangling of HTML markup in the Java code
as much as possible
* [WICKET-5642] - CheckingOutputObjectStream should filter duplicates
by identity, not by equality
* [WICKET-5645] - Markup String of IMarkupResourceStreamProvider
throws NPE for inherited markup
* [WICKET-5646] - Allow subclasses of ComponentStringResourceLoader to
stop at specific components
* [WICKET-5648] - CookieUtils - multivalue related methods are broken
due to the usage of ";" as a separator for the values
* [WICKET-5650] - Make is possible to position the choice label
before/after/around the choice
* [WICKET-5651] - Add TagTester#getChild(String tagName) method
* [WICKET-5652] - Improve Javadoc of Ajax behaviors concerning their
onXyz() methods
* [WICKET-5653] - Add a setter for IViolationTranslator to
* [WICKET-5654] - DefaultViolationTranslator should maybe use getMessage()
* [WICKET-5658] - AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior should not clear
the rawInput when updateModel is false
* [WICKET-5659] - Add a setting to MultiFileUploadField to not close
the file uploads' streams
* [WICKET-5660] - Throw more specific exception when a component
cannot be found by ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler
* [WICKET-5667] - Preserve the NotSerializableException if an error
occur while using the IObjectCheckers
* [WICKET-5668] - StringResourceModel with custom locale
* [WICKET-5669] - Mark page parameters with a flag where they have
been read from
* [WICKET-5671] - Rename log4j.properties in the quickstart when
creating a project for WildFly
* [WICKET-5672] - Form#findSubmittingComponent() should not throw
exceptions if the submitter is disabled/invisible
* [WICKET-5673] - Improve BookmarkableMapper and
BasicResourceReferenceMapper to not match when the last segment is
* [WICKET-5674] - Use jquery.atmosphere.js as a Webjar
* [WICKET-5683] - PreviousButton isEnabled() should bo logical
conjunction of getWizardModel().isPreviousAvailable() and


* [WICKET-5632] - Use frontend-maven-plugin to run the JavaScript tests
* [WICKET-5649] - Create Eclipse lifecycle mapping for clirr-maven-plugin.
* [WICKET-5664] - Log a warning if the name of the JavaScript event
starts with 'on'
* [WICKET-5665] - WicketTester#assertComponentOnAjaxResponse() cannot
test invisible components


* [WICKET-4551] - Enable components underneath disabled components
* [WICKET-5340] - CssAttributeModifier and StyleAttributeModifier

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