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by Ted Liu, event co-organizer 

On 24-25 October, The Apache Roadshow 2015 - China in Beijing was successfully 
concluded. It was organized by KAIYUANSHE (the first ground-up Chinese Open 
Source alliance co-founded by CSDN, GitCafe, GNOME.Asia, Microsoft Open Tech 
and Ubuntu Kylin in October 2014, and now with 50 Open Source community and 
enterprise members) together with the community sponsorship from The Apache 
Software Foundation (ASF). The roadshow was aimed to establish KAIYUANSHE as a 
leader in the Open Source communities in China and a bridge to the 
international and domestic Open Source communities. 

With both onsite and online coverage, there were over 5,000 persons 
participated the roadshow, where 1,400 joined onsite in Beijing, 3,370 watched 
the live streaming video (avg. 23 minutes viewing), and 200+ college students 
and community members attended the 4 regional sessions in Hebei, Henan, Xi'An, 
and Shanghai. 

We have received many solid feedbacks so far: 

- Brett Porter, chairman of ASF, greeted in his Wechat message "Thank you 
everyone-it was wonderful to spend the time with you. Thanks again to the 
organizers and volunteers on such as a great event". 

- Niclas Hedhman, VP of Apache Zest, whose gave keynote about Apache 
Incubation, wishes to have this roadshow recur regularly. 

- J. Aaron Farr, member of ASF Incubator, who gave keynote about "The Open 
Source Experience of League of Legends", commented that the Apache Roadshow 
2015 – China, is one of the best Apache event in the Greater China region he 
ever attended.
Many Chinese Apache committers, contributors and users are very eager to 
participate more China-specific Apache project-related communications, online 
discussion groups, meetups and even an Apache China Community formation more 
timely and frequently. 

More highlights & details 

With very limited funding and resources, we made this Roadshow happen thanking 
the joint efforts of KAIYUANSHE members, the sponsors – Alauda, Dataman, 
Easemob, eBay, Intel, Liepin.com and Microsoft, the community partners - OSS 
Association of China Academy of Sciences, Vzhibo, Huodongxing, Jikexueyuan, and 
Huazhang Press, and our media partner CSDN who did vigorous promotion, speakers 
& audience invitation.  And don't forget the 80+ lovely and energetic 
volunteers from China Academy of Sciences University and Peking University. 
This demonstrated the grassroots community spirit called "Community-Led 

The roadshow was very fruitful with 10 breathtaking spotlights: 

1.    Keynote speech: 6 iconic keynoters spoke about community-led development 
(The Apache Way), Cloud computing, Big Data, Open Source software development, 
project incubation, and real world use cases of Apache technology, such as in 
the video game League of Legends. 

 - Brett Porter keynote https://youtu.be/ryI4Ctz4Mxg 
 - David Nalley keynote https://youtu.be/8XmWrVcu7o0 
 - Executive Panel (Brett Porter, David Nalley, Jason Dai – Intel and Lang 
moderated by Kevin Huang from OIN) https://youtu.be/kW-bmjW1sck 
 - J. Aaron Farr keynote https://youtu.be/-4qI_oOj5so 
 - Niclas Hedhman keynote https://youtu.be/N3FfC8-oUsU 
 - Julia Liuson keynote https://youtu.be/LIP8LUplzdc 

2.    Executive Panel: Regarding to Community-Led Development, Gurus 
passionately probed into the practices of international communities and the 
thinking, expectation and challenges of Chinese Open Source movement, as well 
as encourages diversified participation of different races and females since 
international communities are mostly dominated by white men. 

 - Executive Panel (J. Aaron Farr, Niclas Hedhman, and Julia Liuson, moderated 
by Michelle Chen) https://youtu.be/W9VddiDz208 

3.    Gurus speech: 40 Chinese technical and community gurus shared knowledge 
about Apache project-related, cutting-edge Big Data and Cloud computing, trend, 
architecture and application of Open Source software development, and practices 
of community governance and construction building. 

4.    Project incubation: The keynote by Niclas Hedhman and the founder of a 
Chinese project, Apache Kylin, shared in-depth the processes of joining the 
Incubation and the graduation. This topic is one of the most interested area by 
the Chinese audience. 

5.    Women for OSS Panel: 6 Chinese female Open Source contributors shared 
their journeys in participating Open Source and holding up half the sky. 

6.    AMPCamp: Learning by doing. Teachers conducted lectures onsite guidance 
to help you quickly get started with the Apache Spark technologies through 
hands-on lab. 

7.    Open Source Roundtable: More than 30 international and domestic leaders 
carried out in-depth and heated discussions over Cloud computing, Big Data, 
Open Source software development and community governance & building. Onsite 
communication went in a warm way. The sparks between ardent opinions actually 
reflect the development status of Chinese Open Source. Experts argued 
vehemently, yielded real stuff and uttered golden words now and then, which was 
a highlight of the Apache Roadshow. 

8.    Networking & Connecting: In addition to the Apache Night networking 
parties on October 24 and 25, 16 one-on-one meetings between speakers/sponsors 
and the Apache leaders were arranged. 

9.    Regional Coverage: 4 regional sessions hosted by 3 universities and a 
community with 200+ attendees gathered to watch and discuss the video broadcast 
of the Roadshow. This was a good start to advance Open Source software 
movements jointly by the IT industry and the academic institutes. 

A touching story here: Mr. Oukan Chen, the organizer of the Apache Roadshow 
Shanghai session, sponsored by Shanghai Donghua University & Linuxer Community, 
is a disabled person who cannot speak or walk and can only express himself 
using his chin to type words in an extremely difficult way with his father's 
help. This doesn't stop him from being a solid OSS community contributor. 

10.    MSFT Center One Tour: More than 50 guests are invited to visit Microsoft 
Center One and witnessed the amazing development & deployment of the latest 
technologies such as Cloud computing, Big Data, mobile computing, enterprise 
productivity, Internet of Things, smart home, environmental protection and 
energy saving. 

In celebrating the 1024 Programmer Day in China, a pleasant surprise occurred 
at the Roadshow closing ceremony. Anders Hejlsberg, father of 
C#/Delphi/TypeScript, delivered a short greeting speech followed by Q&A. David 
Nalley wrapped up the whole event with his inspiring closing remarks. The 
atmosphere was hot and the roadshow concluded perfectly. 

Looking Ahead 

All presentations, videos, speech scripts, photos are in the KAIYUANSHE Forum 
ready for downloading http://www.kaiyuanshe.cn/portal/thread/45.html#56. ASF 
keynoter videos will be placed on YouTube. 
To keep the momentum rolling by mobilizing the continuous communications and 
discussions around Apache projects and potentially the formation of the 
ground-up Apache China community. 
AMPCamp Beijing event and the hands-on-lab environment have attracted a number 
of communities, enterprises, and government agencies for a series of upcoming 
camps, hands-on-lab and hackathons. 
We plan to run the roadshow at least annually with ASF blessing and support 
going forward. 

Thank You All! 

 - Our keynoters - Brett Porter, David Nalley, Niclas Hedhman, J. Aaron Farr, 
who traveled afar to attend and deliver non-stop contributions, including 
speeches, panels, one-on-one meetings, roundtables, Apache Night cocktail 
parties, etc. 
 - Special Thanks to Ross Gardler, the president of ASF, who provided advices 
and support all along and helped connect with ASF and many interested speakers. 
 - The roadshow steering committee: Ted Liu, Emily Chen, Zhidi Shang, Mabel Li, 
Hao Zhong, Richard Lin, Jack Yu, Yujuan Zhang for their all-in dedication. 
 - Our honorable breakout & lightning talk speakers and roundtable guests. 
 - The 80+ lovely volunteers from China Academy of Sciences and Peking 
 - Our sponsors, Alauda, MSFT, eBay, Easemob, Dataman, Intel, Liepin.com for 
their kind sponsorship and support.

= = =

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