Dear CouchDB Community,

The Apache CouchDB development team is proud to announce the
immediate availability of versions 2.1.1 and 1.7.0.

Both releases are security releases and fix multiple CRITICAL
issues. Updates are mandatory.

Due to the severity of the issues and the limited options for
workarounds, we will delay the release of detailed descriptions
by seven (7) days and publish a full report on Tuesday, November
14th. We expect all CouchDB users to update their installations
before then.

We are working with various package managers to ensure a smooth
update path, but we can not make any promises. We advise all
users to prepare to update from source, instructions can be
found in the CouchDB documentation: (2.1.1) and (1.7.0).

For download options, see the download section of the main CouchDB

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## Release Details

In addition to the security fix, both releases include a number of additional 
features and bugfixes.

# New features in 2.1.1

- Support compilation and running under Erlang/OTP 20.x.
- Improve compaction speed by 10-40%.
- Improve design doc cache performance.
- Add support for partial indexes in Mango.
- Add bookmark pagination to Mango.
- Add execution_stats option to Mango queries for performance analysis.
- The cookie domain for AuthSession cookies, used in a proxy authentication 
configuration, can now be customised via the ini file
- The current node's local interface can now be accessed at 
/_node/_local/{endpoint} as well as at /_node/<nodename>@<hostname>/{endpoint}.
- Fauxton now uses a version of React with a BSD license.
- See the full list here:

# Other Bug Fixes in 2.1.1

- The couch_peruser functionality is now really fixed. Really.
- It is now possible to modify shard maps for system databases.
- Fix issue on macOS with mounted volumes that have a space in their name.
- 50+ bug fixes and performance improvements, see the full list here:

# New features in 1.7.0

- Support Erlang Versions 18, 19, & 20.
- Support glibc >= 2.20.
- support for the _bulk_get endpoint to improve replication performance with 
- Replace etap test suite with EUnit.
- Support for user configurable SSL ciphers.
- Upgrade Coffeescript to version 1.10.
- See the full list here:

# Other Bug Fixes in 1.7.0

- Disable Nagle’s algorithm by default.
- Wrong Expires header weekday.
- Bind both to IPv4 and IPv6.
- Duplicate document _ids created under high edit load.
- See the full list here:

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