[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/fxyz1 ]

Your support helps The Apache Software Foundation —the world's largest Open 
Source foundation— to continue to provide $20B+ worth of software for the 
public good at 100% no cost.

As the US Thanksgiving holidays are upon us, our end-of-year Individual Giving 
and Corporate Gifts campaigns have begun. Your support of The Apache Software 
Foundation helps ensure 350+ Apache projects and initiatives remain accessible 
to all, absolutely free of charge.

Support from donors enables the all-volunteer, vendor-neutral ASF ensure its 
community-driven projects are freely available to billions of users around the 
world, to steward, develop, and advance the next generation of Open Source 
innovations "The Apache Way", and nuture diverse communities world-wide.

This Tuesday, 3 December, is Giving Tuesday —the global fundraising movement 
that launched the second largest giving day of the year. When you donate to the 
ASF on Giving Tuesday itself, you can be a part of something even bigger: in 
2018 more than $400M was raised for hundreds of organizations worldwide.

Whether you donate on Giving Tuesday or as part of your year-end contributions, 
giving to the ASF is easy: 

Individual Donations

 - One-Time or Monthly Recurring Donations: visit https://donate.apache.org/ to 
make a donation using a debit or credit card, ACH electronic transfer, or 
PayPal. You'll receive a receipt for your tax-deductible* contribution via 

 - Purchasing Programs: those of you who shop from Amazon can start your retail 
journey at https://smile.amazon.com/ so a portion of your qualifying purchases 
will be donated to the ASF.

 - Additional Options: to mail us a check, donate cryptocurrency, or explore 
other contribution options, please visit 

Corporate Gifts

 - One-time or Recurring Donations: some organizations contribute to the ASF in 
the form of a cash donation --whether it's a one-time gift or recurring monthly 
made at https://donate.apache.org/ Those wishing to contribute cryptocurrency 
and other donation options are welcome to visit 
http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html for details.

 - Corporate Sponsorship: those seeking to become a Sponsor using a credit 
card, ACH transfer, or PayPal may easily do so at https://donate.apache.org/ . 
We invite interested parties to review our Sponsorship program at 

 - Corporate Giving Programs: your gift to the ASF as part of an annual 
corporate giving program helps bolster the ASF’s mission. Companies such as 
Bloomberg Philanthropies, IBM, Microsoft, and many others' matching gift 
programs offer tax benefits, and provide their employees the ability to boost 
their support of a diverse set of nonprofit organizations. Contact us at 
fundraising(at)apache(dot)org to get started.

 - Corporate Matching Gifts: if you have a matching gift program, your 
contribution to the ASF can be generously increased. Matching gift programs 
augment corporate contributions and help further support the ASF. Contact us at 
fundraising(at)apache(dot)org for more information.

 - Third-Party Fundraising Platforms: the ASF is an official charity in the 
Benevity Causes Portal as part of numerous corporate giving initiatives, such 
as the Microsoft Tech Talent for Good volunteer program, among others. For more 
information, visit https://www.benevity.com/

The Apache Software Foundation is an all-volunteer community. The ASF does not 
pay for code development or contributions by its Board of Directors, Executive 
Officers, 765 Individual ASF Members, 205 Apache Project Management Committees, 
7,500+ Committers, and countless contributors. 

Your tax-deductible* contribution to the ASF helps offset day-to-day operating 
expenses that include critical Infrastructure services (75%), plus Marketing 
and Publicity, Trademarks and Brand Management, Legal Affairs, Accounting, 
Operational support, and more. Less than 10% is spent on overhead. 
The ASF's diverse accomplishments are highlighted in the Annual Report for the 
2019 Fiscal Year. Many of these successes were made possible by contributions 
made by organizations and individuals such as yourself.

Thank you for supporting the greater Apache community.

* For those based in the US, donations are 100% tax deductible to the full 
extent of the law. As regulation varies, we encourage you to consult a 
qualified advisor experienced with your local tax law pertaining to donations. 

The ASF is a US 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, whose tax 
identification number is 47-0825376. More information about non-profits and 
related issues can be found at the Internet Nonprofit Center. 
The ASF is recognized by Charity Navigator and cited with the Gold Seal of 
Transparency by GuideStar.

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