Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes like
Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high
reuse as to justify existence in

The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream
implementations, file filters,
file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.

Apache Commons IO Version 2.8.0

Java 8 required.

Changes in this version include:

New features:

o Add Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add,
FileVisitOption...). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add,
FileVisitOption...). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add NullAppendable. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add PathUtils.getAclEntryList(Path). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Null-guard IOUtils.close(Closeable, IOConsumer). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add ReversedLinesFileReader.readLines(int). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Add ReversedLinesFileReader.toString(int). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-684:  Add PathUtils.delete(Path, DeleteOption...).
        Add PathUtils.deleteDirectory(Path, DeleteOption...).
        Add PathUtils.deleteFile(Path, DeleteOption...).
        Add PathUtils.setReadOnly(Path, boolean, LinkOption...).
        Add CleaningPathVisitor.CleaningPathVisitor(PathCounters,
DeleteOption[], String...).
        Add DeletingPathVisitor.DeletingPathVisitor(PathCounters,
DeleteOption[], String...). Thanks to Gary Gregory, Robin Jansohn.
o Add RandomAccessFileInputStream. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-681:  IOUtils.close(Closeable) should allow a list of closeables.
o Add IOUtils.consume(InputStream). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-676:  Add isFileNewer() and isFileOlder() methods that support
the Java 8 Date/Time API. #124. Thanks to Isira Seneviratne, Gary
o Add a MarkShieldInputStream #119. Thanks to Adam Retter, Gary Gregory.
o Deprecate IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR in favor of Java 7's
System.lineSeparator(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.

Fixed Bugs:

o CharSequenceReader.skip should return 0 instead of EOF on stream end
#123. Thanks to Rob Spoor, Jochen Wiedmann.
o Implement CharSequenceReader.ready() #122. Thanks to Rob Spoor.
o IO-669:  Fix code smells; fix typos #115. Thanks to XenoAmess, Gary Gregory.
o Add caching for required charsets #120. Thanks to Jerome Wolff, Gary Gregory.
o IO-673:  Make some simplifications #121. Thanks to Jerome Wolff.
o IO-674:  InfiniteCircularInputStream is not infinite if its input
buffer contains -1. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-675:  InfiniteCircularInputStream throws a divide-by-zero
exception when reading if its input buffer is size 0. Thanks to Gary
o IO-677:  FileSystem.getCurrent() does not return the correct enum.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-679:  input.AbstractCharacterFilterReader passes count of chars
read #132. Thanks to proneel.
o IO-683: fails to convert byte to
unsigned int
o Fix SpotBugs issues in Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
o IO-672:  Copying a File sets last modified date to 01 January 1970.
o IO-676:  Prevent NullPointerException in ReversedLinesFileReader
constructors #117. Thanks to Michael Ernst, Gary Gregory.


o Replace FindBugs with SpotBugs. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update tests from org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 3.10 to 3.11.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update commons-parent from 50 to 51 #129. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update actions/checkout from v1 to v2.3.1 #126. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update junit-pioneer from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0, #127, #135. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update mockito-core from 3.3.3 to 3.5.9 #128, #133, #145, #149,
#151. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o Update spotbugs from 4.0.6 to 4.1.1 #134. Thanks to Dependabot.
o Update junit-pioneer from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 #138. Thanks to Dependabot.
o Update actions/checkout from v2.3.1 to v2.3.2 #140. Thanks to Dependabot.
o Update actions/setup-java from v1.4.0 to v1.4.2 #141, #148. Thanks
to Dependabot.

Compatibility with 2.7:

Binary compatible: Yes.
Source compatible: Yes.
Semantic compatible: Yes.

Commons IO 2.7 requires Java 8.
Commons IO 2.6 requires Java 7.
Commons IO 2.5 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.4 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.3 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.2 requires Java 5.
Commons IO 1.4 requires Java 1.3.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons IO, including instructions
on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons
IO website:

Download page:

Have fun!
-Gary Gregory, on behalf of the Apache Commons Team

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