It’s a great pleasure to announce the release of Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.18

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.x is a CDI container (Contexts and Dependency Injection 
for Java) and targets the CDI-2.0 specification (JavaEE 8 / Jakarta EE 8 level).

This is a maintenance release targeting the new CDI 2.0 specification!
CDI is a JavaEE standard specification (JSR-365) but fully available under 
Apache License v2.0. <> 

We also provide *-jakarta.jar libraries which taget the new jakarta.* package 
names which replace some javax packages in JakartaEE.

OpenWebBeans is modularly built and can be used either in pure Java SE, in a 
Servlet Container like e.g. Tomcat or in fully fledged JavaEE containers.
Our core is only 700kByte and thus brings full JavaEE-8 compatibility at a 
smaller size of most so called ‚micro solutions‘.

Distribution packages can be downloaded via 

The release is also available via maven 

We also include an installer scripts in our binary distribution which can be 
used as easy as:

$> unzip
$> cd openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.18
$> ./install_owb_tomcat7.bat /opt/your/apache-tomcat-9.x.x

(works with Apache Tomcat7 and 8, 8.5 and 9)

OpenWebBeans-2.0.x is included in Apache Meecrowave-1.2.x and Apache TomEE-8.x 

The following tickets got resolved:
    [OWB-1346] - prevent scanning of generated proxies

    [OWB-1281] - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in scanner stops application 
    [OWB-1328] - NPE in AbstractMetaDataFactory
    [OWB-1332] - BeansDeployer#packageVetoCache does not work for negative hits
    [OWB-1333] - [junit5] @Cdi#onStart not working
    [OWB-1341] - Event bus: IN_PROGRESS phase should not be sent to 
    [OWB-1342] - Improve startup performance
    [OWB-1344] - Ensure creating annotatedtype is thread safe at runtime

    [OWB-1327] - Run TCK for jakarta packaging
    [OWB-1329] - Remove openwebbeans-maven module
    [OWB-1330] - Junit5 parameter resolver companion for @Cdi
    [OWB-1331] - Create ajunit5 @Scopes extension to be able to control a bit 
more the started scopes
    [OWB-1343] - Add a property to skip @Vetoed check on packages
    [OWB-1345] - Upgrade gradle shadow plugin support to v6.0.0
    [OWB-1347] - upgrade to apache-parent 23

Please also visit our homepage 
<> and contact us on our mailing lists.

have fun,
The Apache OpenWebBeans Team

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