Apache Yetus 0.13.0 Released!

 The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Yetus Project are pleased to
 announce the release of version 0.13.0 of Apache Yetus.

 Apache Yetus is a collection of libraries and tools that enable contribution
 and release processes for software projects.  It provides a robust system
 for automatically checking new contributions against a variety of community
 accepted requirements, the means to document a well defined supported
 interface for downstream projects, and tools to help release managers
 generate release documentation based on the information provided by
 community issue trackers and source repositories.

 This version marks the latest minor release representing the community's
 work over the last 7+ months.  Here are some, but not all, of the changes:

 NOTE:  This version has significant backward-incompatible changes.  This 
        is by far the biggest release the community has ever put out. Users 
        should take the necessary precautions when upgrading!

  - The default branch is now 'main'.
  - apache/yetus container image is now based upon Ubuntu Focal.  Many
    bundled binaries have been upgraded, and Python 2 support removed.
  - prototool has been replaced with buf, providing both protobuf 
    backward compatibility checks as well as protobuf linting.
  - Github Actions support has had a major overhaul, including supporting
    a new action in the marketplace!
  - Output to various systems has been changed.  Plug-ins using a new
    API will now put the corresponding log file in the vote table. Github
    Comments have been removed and replaced with Github Checks Annotations
    and Github Statuses. In some situations, this replacement functionality
    may require an additional step configured in your CI system of choice.
    If you have custom tests, you should upgrade to the new API calls to
    support the new table and Github support.
  - Docker Buildkit is now supported by default.
  - The Buildkite CI system is now supported.
  - Personalities and plug-ins have had a major reworking:
    - None are bundled anymore
    - .yetus/personality.sh, .yetus/plugins.d are now read by default
    - personality_plugins is non-functional
  - 'whitespace' is now 'blanks' and reads 
    .yetus/blanks-tabs.txt and .yetus/blanks-eol.txt instead of params
  - precommit docs have had a major overhaul
  - The tap for Homebrew installations has moved to apache/yetus-homebrew
  - The Java versions and the Maven plug-in support for releasedocmaker
    and shelldocs has been removed.
  - All of the Python code now requires Python 3.8.
  - Codespell support has been added to help prevent those pesky typos
    and weird variable names.
  - With the --mvn-only-changed-tests=true flag, patches that only change
    unit tests in maven builds will only run those tests rather than all
    of the tests.

 To download, please choose a mirror by visiting:


 The relevant checksums files are available at:


 Project member signature keys can be found at


 PGP signatures are available at:


 The list of changes included in this release and release notes can be browsed 


 Documentation for this release is at:


 On behalf of the Apache Yetus team, thanks to everyone who helped with this

 Questions, comments, and bug reports are always welcome on


 Allen Wittenauer

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