[this announcement is available online at https://s.apache.org/22ndAnniversay ]

World's largest Open Source foundation provides $22B+ in community-led software 
100% free of charge for the common good

Wilmington, DE —24 March 2021— The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source 
projects and initiatives, announced today its 22nd Anniversary.

Originally established by the 21-member Apache Group, who oversaw the 
then-3-year-old Apache HTTP Server, the ASF today is the world's largest, 
vendor-neutral, Open Source foundation, comprising 800+ individual Members, 
8,100+ Committers, and 40,000+ code contributors located on every continent. 
Conservatively valued at more than $22B, Apache’s 350+ projects and 37 
incubating podlings are all freely-available to the public-at-large, at 100% no 
cost, and with no licensing fees.

"Over the past 22 years the ASF has evolved to meet the growing needs of the 
greater community," said Sander Striker, Board Chair of The Apache Software 
Foundation. "The ASF enables people from all over the world to collaborate, 
develop, and shepherd the projects and communities that are helping 
individuals, sustaining businesses, and transforming industries."

Advancing its mission of providing software for the public good, the ASF's 
projects are integral to nearly every aspect of modern computing, benefitting 
billions worldwide. The "Apache Way" process of community-led, collaborative 
development has led to breakthrough innovations in Artificial Intelligence and 
Deep Learning, Big Data, Build Management, Cloud Computing, Content Delivery 
and Management, Edge Computing and IoT, Fintech, Identity Management, 
Integration, Libraries, Messaging, Mobile, Search, Security, Servers, and Web 
Frameworks, among other categories. Projects undergoing development in the 
Apache Incubator span AI, Big Data, blockchain, Cloud computing, cryptography, 
deep learning, email, IoT, machine learning, microservices, mobile, operating 
systems, testing, visualization, and more.

Nearly half a million people participate in ASF projects and initiatives, 
including ApacheCon, the ASF's official global conference series; Community 
Development, which oversees contributor onboarding and mentoring and programs 
such as Google Summer of Code; and Diversity & Inclusion, whose programs 
promote diversity, equity, and inclusion across the greater Apache community.

The ASF's influence is everywhere —countless ubiquitous and mission-critical 
applications across dozens of industries are powered by Apache projects; the 
Apache License 2.0 was the top-ranked Open Source license in 2020 (source: 
WhiteSource); the Apache Way is the backbone for open development and inner 
source environments; and new users, developers, and enthusiasts are onboarding 
to the greater Apache community every day (the ASF has been a Google Summer of 
Code mentoring organization for the past 16 years, since the program's 
inception). The ASF is the top-ranked Open Source not-for-profit organization 
with the most stars on GitHub (source: GitHub).

A just-released feature on the ASF in FOSSlife [1] states, "The Apache project 
has undeniably changed the world … Apache remains a crucial Web server, the 
most popular in the field. For building Open Source communities, the lessons 
learned by creating the project still resonate throughout the open source 
world. Every project is advised to respect the Apache value of 'community over 

ASF operations bolster Apache projects and their communities with 
infrastructure support, bandwidth, connectivity, servers, hardware, development 
environments, legal counsel, accounting services, trademark protection, 
marketing and publicity, educational events, and related administrative 
assistance. As a United States private 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable 
organization, the ASF's day-to-day operating expenses are offset through 
tax-deductible sponsorships, corporate contributions, and individual donations. 
Current ASF Sponsors are:

Platinum: Amazon Web Services, Facebook, Google, Huawei, Microsoft, Namebase, 
Pineapple Fund, Tencent, and Verizon Media.

Gold: Anonymous, Baidu, Bloomberg, Cloudera, Confluent, IBM, Indeed, Reprise 
Software, Union Investment, and Workday.

Silver: Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Capital One, Comcast, Didi Chuxing, Red 
Hat, and Target.

Bronze: Bestecasinobonussen.nl, Bookmakers, Casino2k, Cerner, Curity, GridGain, 
Gundry MD, Host Advice, HotWax Systems, Journal Review, LeoVegas Indian Online 
Casino, Miro-Kredit AG, Mutuo Kredit AG, Online Holland Casino, ProPrivacy, 
PureVPN, RX-M, RenaissanceRe, SCAMS.info, SevenJackpots.com, Start a Blog by 
Ryan Robinson, Talend, The Best VPN, The Blog Starter, The Economic 
Secretariat, Top10VPN, Twitter, and Writers Per Hour.

Targeted Platinum: Amazon Web Services, CloudBees, DLA Piper, Fastly, 
JetBrains, Leaseweb, Microsoft, OSU Open Source Labs, Sonatype, and Verizon 

Targeted Gold: Atlassian, Datadog, Docker, PhoenixNAP, and Quenda.

Targeted Silver: HotWax Systems, Manning Publications, and Rackspace.

Targeted Bronze: Bintray, Education Networks of America, Friend of Apache 
Cordova, Google, Hopsie, No-IP, PagerDuty, Peregrine Computer Consultants 
Corporation, Sonic.net, SURFnet, and Virtru.

"Baidu has always maintained close cooperation with Apache Software Foundation. 
In the past, we donated Apache ECharts, Apache Doris, Apache brpc, and Apache 
Teaclave. We are very grateful to Apache way for promoting the growth of these 
projects and enabling Baidu to make greater contributions to the open source 
world together with ASF."
—Zhenyu Hou, Corporate Vice President of Baidu Group

"Congratulations to the Apache Software Foundation on its twenty-second 
anniversary! If it were not for ASF's work to incubate and steward open source 
projects, the internet community would not be thriving to the same degree. Open 
source is enabling our digital prosperity, and the ASF plays a key, 
behind-the-scenes role in this. We share their vision for the availability of 
trustworthy open-source software and are proud to be a sponsor."
—Travis Spencer, CEO of Curity

"Congratulations to the 22nd anniversary of the Apache Software Foundation! 
Didi Chuxing is more than honored to join the Apache family as a corporate 
sponsor this year. At Didi, our developers utilize and contribute to many 
Apache projects such as Hadoop, Kylin, and Flink etc. Sharing the same 
“Community Over Code” principle, we hope to drive more innovations with Apache 
and we look forward to further collaborations!"
—Yunbo Wang, Director of Technical Community and Open Source at Didi Chuxing

"Facebook was originally built on a stack using the Apache HTTP Server, and 
it's one of the many reasons we've been sponsoring, advocating, utilizing, and 
contributing to the ASF for the past 10 years. We're proud to be a part of the 
ASF community and look forward to continued support of its mission to provide 
Open Source software for the public good."
—Joel Marcey, Open Source Developer Advocate and Ecosystem Lead at Facebook

"We are honored to be a part of and proud to support the ASF! The Apache 
community continues to be an incredibly valuable resource for HotWax. 
Contributing to and receiving from the ASF remains a central focal point for 
our business, and an important part of our team philosophy."
—Mike Bates, CEO of HotWax Systems

"It is an honor to support Apache, an organization responsible for such an 
astounding amount of Open Source projects that truly make up the fabric of the 
Internet. Here's to all that's been accomplished in the last 22 years – we 
can't wait to see what the future of open development brings."
—Robert van der Meulen, Global Product Strategy Lead at Leaseweb

"We're extending a big congratulations to the Apache Software Foundation on 
their 22nd anniversary! The ASF has been a key driver for the success of open 
source software models and community-led development for over two decades. 
Microsoft is honored to engage with and contribute to the Apache community 
across many facets of our business including Azure big data, Hadoop and Spark – 
and we look forward to continuing the collaboration."
—Stormy Peters, Director of Open Source Programs Office at Microsoft

[1] FOSSlife "How the Apache Project Boosted the Free and Open Source Software 

Additional ASF Resources
 - "Trillions and Trillions Served" documentary on the ASF 
 - About The Apache Way http://apache.org/theapacheway/ 
 - The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success https://s.apache.org/GhnI 
 - FY2020 Annual Report https://s.apache.org/FY2020AnnualReport 
 - Ways to support the ASF http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html 

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation is the world's largest Open 
Source foundation, stewarding 227M+ lines of code and providing more than $22B+ 
worth of software to the public at 100% no cost. The ASF's all-volunteer 
community grew from 21 original founders overseeing the Apache HTTP Server to 
813 individual Members and 206 Project Management Committees who successfully 
lead 350+ Apache projects and initiatives in collaboration with nearly 8,100 
Committers through the ASF’s meritocratic process known as "The Apache Way". 
Apache software is integral to nearly every end user computing device, from 
laptops to tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and mission-critical 
applications. Apache projects power most of the Internet, manage exabytes of 
data, execute teraflops of operations, and store billions of objects in 
virtually every industry. The commercially-friendly and permissive Apache 
License v2 is an Open Source industry standard, helping launch billion dollar 
corporations and benefiting countless users worldwide. The ASF is a US 
501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization funded by individual donations 
and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Amazon Web 
Services, Anonymous, Baidu, Bloomberg, Capital One, Cloudera, Comcast, 
Confluent, Didi Chuxing, Facebook, Google, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Microsoft, 
Namebase, Pineapple Fund, Red Hat, Reprise Software, Target, Tencent, Union 
Investment, Verizon Media, and Workday. For more information, visit 
http://apache.org/ and https://twitter.com/TheASF

© The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "Apache HTTP Server", and 
"ApacheCon" are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software 
Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and 
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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