The Apache log4cxx team is pleased to announce the log4cxx 0.13.0 release!

Apache log4cxx is a C++ framework for logging, modeled after Apache
Log4j.  Log4cxx is also a cross-platform logging framework, with
support for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.  Log messages can be sent to
various locations, such as a file, standard out, or syslog, to name a

The artifacts may be downloaded from

This release contains a number of bugfixes and new features, which are
summarized below:

* Signals are now blocked by default in library created threads
* A few long-standing bugs with configuration files and loading
improperly have been fixed
* Compressing log files will now automatically create directories
* Internal code improvements to make running tests and working with
the source tree easier

Apache Log4cxx requires a minimum of C++11 to build and run.

For complete information on Apache Log4cxx including instructions on
how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Log4cxx website:

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