The Apache IoTDB team is pleased to announce the release of Apache IoTDB

Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things) is an IoT native database
with high performance for data management and analysis, deployable on the
edge and the cloud.

0.14.0-preview1 is a preview release for the new IoTDB cluster, 
which includes a number of new features for cluster version:

## New Features

- The new cluster contains two types of nodes: ConfigNode, DataNode
- Support ConfigNode Deploy: Start(Add), Stop
- Support DataNode Deploy: Start(Add), Stop
- Data and Schema replication management
- Support Consensus Protocol: Standalone, MultiLeader, Ratis
- Schema Management: Memory, SchemaFile, RocksDB
- Cluster monitor sql: show cluster, show regions
- Administration:  User, Permission, Role management
- Authorization when login and executing a command
- Load Balance for data and schema
- Native API for reading and writing
- Support CSV import/export tools
- Support create/show/count/delete Storage Group
- Support create/show/count timeseries
- Support show/count devices
- Flush is supported in cluster
- Support monitor DataNode and ConfigNode through Prometheus and Grafana
- Support Data insertion and deletion
- Query Types: Raw data Query, Aggregation, Group By Time, Group By Level, Last 
- Support Fill null values in the query result
- Support order by time and limit, offset, slimit, soffset
- Support value filter and expression
- Python API: Add support for DBAPI

The full release note is available at:

The release is available for download at:

Maven artifacts for JDBC driver, session SDK, TsFile SDK, Spark-connector,
Hadoop-connector, Hive-connector and Flink-connector can be found at:

The Apache IoTDB team

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