The Apache Log4j team is pleased to announce the 3.0.0-beta2
release. Apache Log4j is a versatile, industrial-strength
Java logging framework composed of an API, its implementation,
and components to assist the deployment for various use cases.
For further information (support, download, etc.) see the project


== Release Notes

This release provides a continuation of the modularisation process of
Log4j Core.

The following features were moved to separate artifacts:

* The async logger feature was moved to `log4j-async-logger` and it
was upgraded to use LMAX Disruptor 4.x.
The async appender is still available by default in `log4j-core`.
* The YAML configuration is available now in `log4j-config-yaml`.
* The Java properties configuration was removed and replaced with a
similar format based on `jackson-dataformat-properties` in a new

`log4j-config-properties` artifact.

Other features were removed:

* Jetty 9.x users are encouraged to migrate to Jetty 10.x or later and
replace `log4j-appserver` with `log4j-slf4j2-impl`.
* Tomcat JULI support will be available from a third-party (cf. <>).
* Apache Commons Logging users are encouraged to upgrade
`commons-logging` to version 1.3.0 or later and remove `log4j-jcl`.
* Support for the XML layout was dropped.
* Support for JMX was dropped and will be replaced with a more recent

=== Added

* Add and update DSLs for setting up dependency injection for test and
non-test code. (#2147)
* Add a `ConfigurationExtension` mechanism to allow third-party JARs
to extend the `<Configuration>` element.
* Add a new properties configuration factory based on

=== Changed

* Change the order of evaluation of `FormattedMessage` formatters.
Messages are evaluated using `java.util.Format` only if they don't
comply to the `java.text.MessageFormat` or `ParameterizedMessage`
format. (#1223)
* Split off async logger support into a new `log4j-async-logger` module.
* Split off YAML configuration into a new `log4j-config-yaml` module.

=== Fixed

* Rewrote message parameter formatter with improved escape handling (#1626)
* The MongoDb4 appender now supports long values to configure
`collectionSize` (#1747)
* Mark `JdkMapAdapterStringMap` as frozen if map is immutable. (#2098)
* Fix regression in `JdkMapAdapterStringMap` performance. (#2238)
* Prevents ClassCastException when trying to assign a
SimpleLoggerContext to a core LoggerContext (LOG4J2-1921)
* Possible NullPointerException in MongoDb4DocumentObject,
MongoDbDocumentObject, DefaultNoSqlObject. (LOG4J2-3392)
* Fix NPE in `CloseableThreadContext`. (#1426)
* Fix NPE in `RollingFileManager`. (#1645)
* Fix `log4j-spring-cloud-config-client` dependencies to include only
those required. (2157)
* Workaround a Coursier/Ivy dependency resolution bug affecting
`log4j-slf4j-impl` and `log4j-mongodb3`. (#2065)

=== Removed

* Removed legacy `2.x` properties configuration factory.
* Remove `DefaultLogEventFactory`
* Remove `log4j-appserver` module (#2257)
* Remove `org.apache.logging.log4j.core.parser` and related packages. (#2154)
* Remove `log4j-jcl` module (#2257)
* Removed JMX support.
* Remove `log4j-layout-jackson` module (#2198)
* Remove `log4j-layout-jackson-xml` module (#2198)
* Remove `log4j2.enable.threadlocals` property (#2105)

=== Updated

* Update `com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom` to version `2.16.1` (#2127)
* Update `commons-codec:commons-codec` to version `1.16.1` (#2276)
* Update `io.netty:netty-bom` to version `4.1.107.Final` (#2283)
* Update `org.apache.logging:logging-parent` to version `10.6.0` (#2193)
* Update `org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-juli` to version `10.1.18` (#2176)
* Update `org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-bom` to version `9.4.54.v20240208` (#2285)
* Update `org.jctools:jctools-core` to version `4.0.3` (#2267)
* Update `org.slf4j:slf4j-api` to version `2.0.10` (#2136)
* Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure` to
version `3.2.2` (#2222)
* Update `` to version
`4.1.1` (#2236)
* Update `org.springframework:spring-framework-bom` to version `6.1.4` (#2294)

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