Hi all,

The Apache OpenDAL community is pleased to announce
that Apache OpenDAL ${opendal_version} has been released!

OpenDAL is a data access layer that allows users to easily and efficiently
retrieve data from various storage services in a unified way.

The notable changes since v0.47.3 include:
1. Fix nodejs binding not released

The release list contained:

| Name                      | Version | Next    |
| -                         | -       | -       |
| core                      | 0.47.2  | 0.47.3  |
| integrations/dav-server   | 0.0.4   | 0.0.5   |
| integrations/fuse3        | 0.0.1   | 0.0.2   |
| integrations/object_store | 0.44.2  | 0.44.3  |
| integrations/unftp-sbe    | 0.0.1   | 0.0.2   |
| bin/oay                   | 0.41.5  | 0.41.6  |
| bin/ofs                   | 0.0.6   | 0.0.7   |
| bin/oli                   | 0.41.5  | 0.41.6  |
| bindings/c                | 0.44.7  | 0.44.8  |
| bindings/cpp              | 0.45.5  | 0.45.6  |
| bindings/dotnet           | 0.1.3   | 0.1.4   |
| bindings/haskell          | 0.44.5  | 0.44.6  |
| bindings/java             | 0.46.2  | 0.46.3  |
| bindings/lua              | 0.1.3   | 0.1.4   |
| bindings/nodejs           | 0.47.0  | 0.47.0  |
| bindings/php              | 0.1.3   | 0.1.4   |
| bindings/python           | 0.45.5  | 0.45.6  |
| bindings/ruby             | 0.1.3   | 0.1.4   |

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:

Apache OpenDAL website: https://opendal.apache.org/

Download Links: https://opendal.apache.org/download

OpenDAL Resources:
- Issue: https://github.com/apache/opendal/issues
- Mailing list: d...@opendal.apache.org


Xuanwo On behalf of Apache OpenDAL community


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