Apache Causeway is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven
apps in Java.
Write your business logic in entities, domain services and
repositories, and the framework
dynamically (at runtime) generates a representation of that domain
model as a webapp,
a RESTful or GraphQL API. For prototyping or production.

The Apache Causeway team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Causeway 2.1.0
and Apache Causeway 3.1.0.  These two versions are broadly equivalent, with 2.x
targeting Spring Boot 2.x and Java 11, while 3.x targeting Spring Boot
3.x and Java 17.

New features in this release include:

* Improved Wicket viewer tables, with search field and user-selectable page size
* Help with performance
  * Additional metrics and callbacks in MetricsService and
PageRenderSubscriber, for profiling
  * Bulk persisting of audit entries
  * Introduces TitleCachingServoce
* Better tools to help track down why an object's action etc might be invisible

Full release notes are available on the Apache Causeway website at [1].

You can access this release directly from the Maven central repo [2].
Alternatively, download the release and build it from source [3].


--The Apache Causeway team

[1] https://causeway.apache.org/relnotes/latest/about.html
[2] https://search.maven.org
[3] https://causeway.apache.org/docs/latest/downloads/how-to.html

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