libapreq2-2.16 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project
are pleased to announce the 2.16 release of libapreq2.  This
Announcement notes significant changes introduced by this release.

libapreq2-2.16 is released under the Apache License
version 2.0.  It is now available through the ASF mirrors

libapreq2 is an APR-based shared library used for parsing HTTP cookies,
query-strings and POST data.  This package provides

    1) version 2.8.1 of the libapreq2 library,

    2) mod_apreq2, a filter module necessary for using libapreq2
       within the Apache HTTP Server,

    3) the Apache2::Request, Apache2::Cookie, and Apache2::Upload
       perl modules for using libapreq2 with mod_perl2.


Changes with libapreq2-2.16 (released 17 March, 2021)

- Build [Steve Hay]
  Fix file attribute for modules listed as provided in META.yml.

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