The Open MPI Team is pleased to announced the release of Open MPI version 1.0.  An entirely new MPI implementation, Open MPI combines the strengths of several leading MPI projects, including LAM/MPI (Indiana University), FT-MPI (Innovative Computing Laboratory/University of Tennessee), LA-MPI (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and PACX MPI (High Performance Computing Center at Stuttgart).  While incorporating the best ideas and technologies from these earlier implementations, new designs and continued research have evolved to make Open MPI a truly next-generation MPI-2 implementation.

Based on a high-performance component architecture, Open MPI supports dynamic loading of plug-ins for flexible run-time configuration of key functionality.  Network plug-ins include: shared memory, Ethernet, Infiniband, and Myrinet; native job launch plug-ins include: rsh/ssh, SLURM, PBS/Torque, BProc, and Xgrid.

“Multiple network plug-ins can be loaded and used simultaneously,” said Andrew Lumsdaine, a co-principal investigator on the Open MPI project and director of the Open Systems Lab, part of Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University. “An application using Open MPI can therefore use any combination of supported network hardware, and it can use different hardware from run to run without ever having to be re-compiled.”

The flexibility provided by multiple network plug-ins also allows Open MPI to support network bonding, simultaneously using multiple network links to send messages between processes.

The Open MPI architecture provides an ideal platform for active involvement by the HPC community. Third party plug-ins can be incorporated into existing Open MPI installations, enabling even legacy applications to run with renewed functionality.  For example, vendors can distribute enhancements and performance improvements in binary form.  Researchers can develop new parallel algorithms and message passing techniques as plug-ins, thereby leveraging the full infrastructure of a production-quality MPI implementation.

Open MPI was made possible with significant funding from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Advanced Simulation and Computing program.

For more information about Open MPI and to download version 1.0, please visit the Open MPI web site:

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} The Open MPI Project

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