The Open MPI Team, representing a consortium of research, academic, and 
industry partners, is pleased to announce the release of Open MPI version 3.1.3.

Version 3.1.3 can be downloaded from the Open MPI web site:

This is a bug fix release for the Open MPI 3.1.x release stream. Items fixed in 
this release include the following:

- Fix race condition in MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support of non-blocking
  send/receive path.
- Fix error handling SIGCHLD forwarding.
- Add support for CHARACTER and LOGICAL Fortran datatypes for MPI_SIZEOF.
- Fix compile error when using OpenJDK 11 to compile the Java bindings.
- Fix crash when using a hostfile with a 'user@host' line.
- Numerous Fortran '08 interface fixes.
- TCP BTL error message fixes.
- OFI MTL now will use any provider other than shm, sockets, tcp, udp, or
  rstream, rather than only supporting gni, psm, and psm2.
- Disable async receive of CUDA buffers by default, fixing a hang
  on large transfers.
- Support the BCM57XXX and BCM58XXX Broadcomm adapters.
- Fix minmax datatype support in ROMIO.
- Bug fixes in vader shared memory transport.
- Support very large buffers with MPI_TYPE_VECTOR.
- Fix hang when launching with mpirun on Cray systems.


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