Dear LPVA members & friends:
Today is a significant anniversary for me in my history in the Libertarian 
Party and the LPVA.
Before Saturday, March 5, 1988, I had never petitioned before.  But, I had gone 
to Seattle on Labor Day weekend 1987 to nominate Ron Paul as the Libertarian 
Party candidate for President of the United States, and I badly wanted him to 
be on the ballot for President in Virginia in 1988.
So, that morning, I took two clipboards, and petitions and pens, to the main 
post office in Arlington, Virginia, and petitioned for the first time.  I was 
by myself.  I got 57 signatures in three hours.  Not bad, I thought, for the 
first time out.
Three days later was the Super Tuesday 1988 primary day.  Carol Thies and I 
petitioned all day at a polling place in Reston and we gathered 299 signatures 
that day.  With the help of other volunteers, we were on our way to placing Ron 
Paul on the ballot in Virginia.
A lot of you have petitioned over the years, and I want to profusely thank 
those of you who have gone out and helped place LP candidates on the ballot.
But, the volunteer effort in the past has never been enough to put candidates 
on the ballot for statewide office (including President).  We have always had 
to pay professional petitioners to put us over the top and get our statewide 
candidates on the ballot.
And, it has been costly.  The LPVA spent nearly all of its remaining funds in 
2012 to successfully complete the petition to put the Johnson/Gray presidential 
ticket on the Virginia ballot.  I have met recently with potential LP 
candidates for statewide public office.  Unfortunately, I have had to tell them 
that $25,000 will be needed just to get their name on the ballot.  And, they 
should assume that the $25k will have to come out of their own pocket.
It shouldn't have to be this way.  The Libertarian Party of Virginia is 
currently the sixth largest state party in the LP, in terms of the number of 
paid members.  We shouldn't have to put the burdens of future statewide 
petition drives on the shoulders of potential candidates or the Libertarian 
National Committee, or bankrupt the LPVA in the process.
And, petitioning burdens should not fall heavily on a just a few volunteers.  
If a lot of us roll up our sleeves and do just a little, we will be able to get 
candidates on any ballot in Virginia for any office anytime we want--with zero 
dollars spent.
It currently takes 10,000 valid signatures to complete a petition for statewide 
office in Virginia.  If we had 100 people who would each gather 100 valid 
signatures of registered voters in a statewide petition drive, we could have 
statewide candidates anytime we want.
I am asking you to join the new LPVA Petitioners Corps.  When you join, you 
will commit to a just a few hours work during each statewide petition drive 
asking your friends, relatives, co-workers and, yes, even strangers (they don't 
bite!) to sign a petition for more choice on Virginia ballots.
And, you will help make the Libertarian Party of Virginia a force in the 
Commonwealth's politics.  It will give us the ability to always be there, to 
always show up, to be something to be reckoned with.
If you can be a part of the new LPVA Petitioners Corps, please email me at  Please join today.  On behalf of the many more 
candidates that this Corps will create in the future, I thank you.
Bill Redpath
Political Development Committee Chair
Libertarian Party of Virginia

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