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Monday, April 15, 2013

The Libertarian Answer to Tax Day

By Brooks Rembert

(ARLINGTON) -- As Tax Day arrives, the Libertarian Party of Virginia is
continuing to work hard for all citizens of the Commonwealth to cut taxes,
return power to the States, increase individual liberty and freedom and
ensure a prosperous future for all. A future free from excessive government
restrictions and regulations. Conversely, the Republicans and Democrats
simply want to increase taxes, increase the size of government and further
chip away at our freedom.

Today, the average Virginian pays almost 50% of his or her income to
Federal, State, or local taxes. We are forced by government to turn over
our hard-earned money in the form of Federal and State income tax, sales
tax, property tax, gasoline tax and others.

By eliminating the onerous burdens of these taxes, we can keep more of our
hard earned dollars, enabling our citizens to build wealth, while returning
numerous rights and freedoms that have been stolen from us by government.
The Federal government, as envisioned by our Founding Fathers, was meant to
be very limited in scope and expressly laid out in the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights. Those powers not expressly discussed were left to the
States. The 10th Amendment reads, “The powers not delegated to the United
States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The Libertarian idea of personal freedom and responsibility dictates that
we as citizens and our communities can make better use of our money than
can the government. Our rights are not given to us by the government; we
give the government certain rights to act on our behalf. By repealing the
income and corporate taxes, we will keep more money in our pockets, thus
allowing for more job creation, innovation, freedom, charitable and private
donations, as well as building stronger communities of involved citizens.

On this day, let us not forget that for every dollar the government takes,
we as citizens give up a little more freedom; freedom endowed to us through
the laws of nature, not the laws of man. The Commonwealth of Virginia just
passed the largest tax increase in the State’s history for a transportation
bill that will be rife with cronyism, corruption and waste. Libertarians
maintain that local communities are best suited to meet the needs of its
citizenry and that private enterprise can solve problems quicker, faster,
and cheaper than any governmental bureaucracy ever could.

The Libertarian Party calls on government at all levels to slash
expenditures and to return to its traditionally legitimate functions of
police, defense, and courts. Just as your neighbor can not walk into your
home and demand you give upwards of 50% of your money, neither should the
government be allowed to confiscate your money and redistribute it to
whomever it feels is more worthy than you.

The Libertarian Party believes in the American heritage of liberty,
enterprise and personal responsibility and that being free and independent
is a great way to live. Government at all levels is too large, inefficient
and intrusive. Democratic and Republican politicians have created the mess
we are in but the Libertarian Party can return power to the people.


Questions about the Libertarian Party of Virginia's position on taxes may
be directed to LPVA chairman Chuck Moulton at (215) 768-6812 or
ch...@lpva.com or to LPVA communications director Laura Delhomme at (571)
249-4613 or communicati...@lpva.com.

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