Fellow Libertarians,

For your reference, below is the LPVA press release that went out a few
minutes after the DOMA ruling was read. Please let me know if you have any
questions or feedback.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Libertarian Party of Virginia <communicati...@lpva.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:20 AM
Subject: Libertarian Party of Virginia Applauds DOMA Strike Down
To: communicati...@lpva.com


For Immediate Release

Thursday, June 26, 2013

 Libertarian Party of Virginia Applauds DOMA Strike Down

 (Arlington, June 26, 2013) --- The Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS) today announced its decision on the constitutionality of the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a United States federal law that restricts
federal marriage benefits and limits inter-state marriage recognition to
only opposite-sex marriages in the United States. SCOTUS declared in a 5-4
ruling that DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty
of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

The Libertarian Party of Virginia applauds this ruling, which gave the US
Government 1,138 ways <http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04353r.pdf> to treat
gay couples differently than straight couples for 17 years.

Ending DOMA means the federal government will recognize the legal marriages
of same-sex couples in states that recognize marriage equality. The
Libertarian Party platform states that “Sexual orientation, preference,
gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's
treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody,
adoption, immigration or military service laws.” The Libertarian Party
believes government has no role in the business of marriage. Repealing DOMA
is a good first step towards ending government discrimination that has
affected millions of Americans. Libertarians believe that returning
government to the states and then to individuals is the only true way to
respect marriage.

Robert Sarvis, Libertarian Party of Virginia candidate for governor, has
said that one of his goals in this year’s race is to lead the fight in
Virginia towards recognizing same-sex marriage in Virginia. Lindsey Bolton,
a tax attorney and candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates in the
47th district, stated if elected she would “introduce a resolution that the
Commonwealth's role regarding marriage is merely to respect and uphold a
contract”, as should be the government’s sole role in contracts. Other LPVA
candidates have stated their intent to work on repealing the
Marshall-Newman Amendment, which defines marriage in Virginia as solely
between a man and a woman. Jonathan Parrish, House of Delegates candidate
for the 33rd district responded to the SCOTUS ruling “it is nice to finally
see a decision being made that ensure same sex couples will have access to
the same benefits that straight couples do. As they pay the same taxes,
this decision is long overdue.”

A recent poll from ABC News/Washington Post
that 58% of Americans support marriage equality, a rapid change from just a
decade ago, when only 39% supported it. Americans are coming around to the
realization that big government does not belong in our lives, whether it’s
our bedrooms or our wallets.

The Libertarian Party has supported marriage equality since its founding in
1971. The Republican Party has never supported marriage equality, and
Democrats, for all their rhetoric, only added a reference to same-sex
marriage to their party platform in 2012 - after it was politically
convenient.  DOMA, which was pushed through by a GOP-led Congress and
signed by a Democratic president, is a product of both Big Government
parties. The Libertarian Party is the only party that has been consistently
on the side of freedom and personal choice.

Questions about the Libertarian Party of Virginia’s position on marriage
equality may be directed to

LPVA Chairman

Chuck Moulton

(215) 768-6812


LPVA Communications Director

Laura Delhomme

(571) 249-4613


VA Governor candidate

Rob Sarvis

(571) 499-4015


VA HoD (23) candidate

Jonathan Parrish



VA HoD (48) candidate

Lindsey Bolton



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