Dear Colleagues,

    The 67th annual Shad Planking will take place on the afternoon of 
Wednesday, April 15, in Wakefield, Virginia.  During the past decade the 
Libertarian Party of Virginia has usually sponsored an information booth at the 
event, which is one of the major political events in Virginia each year.  I 
have organized most of our outreach efforts at this event; last year Donna 
Grebas organized the effort.

    As it turns out, Ms. Grebas will not be able to organize the event due to 
her work schedule.  Similarly, due to my faculty schedule, I am uncertain 
whether I shall be able to organize and/or participate in the event.  Because 
of this, we are requesting that a volunteer step forward to organize the 
outreach effort this year.

    Some details about the Shad Planking and our outreach effort:

*  The event will take place rain or shine.  The event begins at 2:00 p.m. and 
ends at 6:30 p.m.  The formal program (which usually features speeches by the 
most prominent politicians in attendance) begins at 4:00 p.m.

*  Each attendee must have a ticket, which costs $25.00.  Supposedly the number 
of tickets available to the public is limited; however, I do not know what the 
limit is.  (As far as I can tell, anyone who pays the admission price is 
allowed into the event.)

Information about the event is available at

    Since the Shad Planking is an outdoor event, the organizer of the LPVA 
outreach effort should arrange for a small tent to be erected (along with a 
display table for literature). The organizer must find volunteers to staff the 
booth.  Also, the organizer must obtain literature for the booth, as well as a 
banner and/or signs advertising the Libertarian Party of Virginia.  In the past 
we have used the "Operation Politically Homeless" kit available from the 
Advocates for Self-Government at the booth.  In some cases the LPVA booth 
doubled as a booth for LPVA candidates.

    Those who are interested in volunteering to organize our outreach effort 
this year should contact me as soon as possible at or by calling 
me at (434) 973-5958.  I shall be happy to provide information about the nuts 
and bolts of organizing this effort.

    Thanks for your work for liberty.

    Take care,

    James W. Lark, III
    Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Virginia

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