Dear Readers,

Virginia libertarian Paul Jacob wrote last Thursday (May 21) about Ohio 
Republican Party leaders and their role in throwing Libertarians off the Ohio 


Anti-Democratic Republicans?

The Republican Party of Ohio paid lawyers $300,000 to keep a competitor off the 

Typical two-party corruption. We can blame the party, yes ­ but also blame the 

A “two-party system” is, mathematicians tell us, the logical result of simple 
plurality/winner-takes-all elections. That is, when the first candidate 
“<>past the post” wins 
enough votes to best any other, that candidate wins.

When you count votes like this, two parties emerge to dominate.

But to really rule the roost, those parties are incentivized to pile on . . . 
to make it hard for “minor-party” challengers. Ballot access becomes a nasty 

Last year Charlie Earl ran for the governorship of Ohio as a Libertarian Party 
candidate. But he was blocked from the ballot. 
 when the Ohio LP “filed a federal lawsuit to try to force Earl’s name on the 
ballot,” Ohio Republican Party Chair Matt Borges testified that his party had 
nothing to do with the legal maneuvers involved.

As Borges put it at the time, “Anyone who’s looking for the conspiracy behind 
it ­ it’s just not there.”

Now, it turns out, the conspiracy was there. His party paid the bills.

Whether Borges was lying or not ­ maybe he was clueless about these shenanigans 
­ the deed got done.

More important than whether Borges himself can be held culpable for the 
ballot-access conspiracy, it’s the system that encourages such anti-democratic 
nonsense that needs changing. First-past-the-post elections must go. There are 
alternatives, as my friends at <> champion.

As Ohio GOP leaders stand shame-faced with the evidence of evildoing, it’s time 
to press such reforms.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


Common Sense by Paul Jacob -- sponsored by The Sam Adams Alliance.  See their 
website at

Paul Jacob gave his standing permission for LPVA to re-publish Common Sense 
articles on 9/24/2007.

The original article is here:

Take a few minutes to check out Paul's other writing.

To discuss this article with other Virginia Libertarians, go to the Facebook 
page where the above article is also posted:

-- Marc Montoni, Secretary
   Libertarian Party of Virginia

P.S.  Do you know of other Virginia Libertarians with recently-published 
material?  Send us the link to each article, and pen a few words to introduce 
it to your fellow Libertarians!



The Libertarian Party of Virginia is currently seeking candidates to run for 
public office for the 2015 election season.  Let us know:


-- end --  

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