Hello, Virginia Libertarians!

You've probably heard the news that the Trump campaign is "pulling out of 
Virginia," effectively conceding the state to Clinton:


Well, *we* certainly aren't! In fact, we plan to spend the next 25 days 
campaigning harder and longer than ever.

What does that mean for you?

FIRST: Get ready for Gary on Monday, October 17!

We just learned that Governor Gary Johnson will be speaking at Liberty 
University in Lynchburg this Monday as a replacement for another speaker.

We know that this is short notice, but try to get off Monday. Not only is the 
Monday morning convocation open to the public, but we are also working with the 
national Johnson/Weld campaign and Our America Initiative to schedule a rousing 
event or two later that day in another Virginia city.

We'll shoot off another email about Monday's events as soon as those details 
are finalized.

SECOND: Join our grassroots campaign!

The Trump campaign blew its wad on signs in Virginia but had no ground game, 
which means they never got around to touching voters in the ways that matter 
most. We can fill that gaping hole with intensive door-to-door canvassing, 
phone banking, outreach booths at community events, and other grassroots 

How can you help?

DONATE! Even if you've already donated the maximum to the national Johnson/Weld 
campaign, you can still donate more to the LPVA to support our grassroots 
campaign activities right here in Virginia:


VOLUNTEER! We always need more people to make phone calls, go door-to-door 
canvassing voters or hanging doorhangers, staff outreach booths, organize local 
campaign events, deliver signs, etc. Please register here to let us know your 
availability and interests:


THIRD: Sign swaps!

Your Republican family, friends, and neighbors are likely feeling frustrated by 
their candidate's premature capitulation, especially given all the disgusting 
leaks that preceded it. Cheer them up by offering to take away their old 
Trump/Pence signs so you can replace them with shiny new Johnson/Weld signs 

(If any still insist that they're voting for Trump, it's up to you whether to 
remind them that a vote for Trump is now a wasted vote in Virginia. :D) 

Once you know how many signs you'll need for your local lawn improvement 
project, please submit your request here:


And please feel free to make this same offer to anyone whose yard has been 
infested with Clinton signs as well!

Trump may have pulled out but the Libertarian Party of Virginia and the 
Virginia for Johnson/Weld campaign are staying on top of this election until 
the final stroke! We hope you decide to join us for the ride. ;)

In Liberty,
Jacqueline Mason
Secretary, Libertarian Party of Virginia
Events Coordinator, Virginia for Johnson/Weld

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committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send 
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Libertarian Party of Virginia  http://www.LPVA.com
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