The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven SCM, version 2.1.0.
Release Notes - Maven SCM - Version 2.1.0
** Bug
* [SCM-914] - InfoItem.lastChangedDate is leaky abstraction
* [SCM-939] - Assume SCM is present
* [SCM-1016] - Build fails with JDK21
* [SCM-1022] - jgit push failure is not failing the build
* [SCM-1024] - maven-scm-plugin tests do not properly check for
existence of svn command
** Dependency upgrade
* [SCM-1017] - Update commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.0
* [SCM-1018] - Require Maven 3.6.3+
* [SCM-1019] - Update org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds to 2.8.0
* [SCM-1020] - Update org.apache.commons:commons-text 1.11.0
* [SCM-1021] - Update org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 3.14.0
* [SCM-1023] - Upgrade components
-The Apache Maven team