The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Dependency Plugin version 3.7.0.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
Release Notes - Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 3.7.0
** Bug
* [MDEP-835] - dependency:tree no longer shows optional flag
* [MDEP-838] - "Artifact has not been packaged yet" error message
is not very helpful
* [MDEP-938] - 'mdep.overIfNewer' is misnamed from its usage of
** New Feature
* [MDEP-317] - Add goal dependency:analyze-exclusions - check for
invalid excludes
* [MDEP-799] - improve mvn dependency:tree - add optional JSON
output of the results
* [MDEP-928] - Allow to exclude classes from dependency:analyze
** Improvement
* [MDEP-669] - Optimize the documentation of <outputProperty> of
* [MDEP-893] - Get rid of commons-lang3
* [MDEP-894] - Use @Component instead of @Parameter for session/project
* [MDEP-896] - Removing unused code
* [MDEP-897] - Remove old style JavaDoc Plexus docs
* [MDEP-899] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 42
* [MDEP-917] - dependency:analyze-exclusions - use Resolver API
instead of ProjectBuilder
* [MDEP-924] - Get rid of maven-artifact-transfer from list-classes
* [MDEP-925] - Require Maven 3.6.3
* [MDEP-939] - Lock down classifier in dependency:sources goal
** Test
* [MDEP-710] - reenable TestTreeMojo
** Task
* [MDEP-912] - Use version for plexus-utils/plexus-xml from parent
* [MDEP-914] - collect goal description broken in documentation
* [MDEP-918] - Use standard updatePolicy for repositories in ITs
* [MDEP-923] - Code cleanups
* [MDEP-935] - Improvement ITs for dependency:tree
* [MDEP-941] - Deprecate dependency:sources in favor of
** Dependency upgrade
* [MDEP-911] - Bump org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver from 4.8.0
to 4.9.2
* [MDEP-915] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
* [MDEP-920] - Bump org.assertj:assertj-core from 3.24.2 to 3.26.0
* [MDEP-921] - Bump org.apache.commons:commons-text from 1.11.0 to
* [MDEP-922] - dependency:analyze-exclusions - should report issue
only in current project
* [MDEP-929] - Bump
org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer from 1.13.2 to 1.14.1
* [MDEP-936] - Bump org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree
from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0
-The Apache Maven team