Hello all,

oVirt Release Engineering team would like to announce a new repositories layout.
Nighlty builds are moving to [1]. We are going to disable nightly builds under 

Short description to make things clear:

ovirt-<version>-snapshot - nighltly build for the version
ovirt-<version>-snapshot-static - static repo for the nightly build. Will be 
used for static rpms like jasper, jboss.

ovirt-<version> - official released version
Complete by itself, no need for extra static repo

If you have any issues, please drop email to in...@ovirt.org or contact us on 

Release Manager: Sandro Bonazzola (sbonazzo)
Release Engineering: Kiril Nesenko (knesenko), David Caro (dcaroest)

With regards,

oVirt Release Engineering

[1] http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/
[2] http://resources.ovirt.org/releases/nightly/
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