The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 9.0.84.

Apache Tomcat 9 is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language, Java
WebSocket and JASPIC technologies.

Apache Tomcat 9.0.84 is a bugfix and feature release. The notable
changes compared to 9.0.83 include:

- Background processes for a Container no longer execute while lifecycle
   operations are in progress for that Container.

- Correct unintended escaping of XML in some WebDAV responses.

- Use a 408 status code if a read timeout occurs during HTTP
   HTTP request processing instead of an HTTP 400 status.

Along with lots of other bug fixes and improvements.

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 7.x and 8.x:


- The Apache Tomcat team

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