Am Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017 17:03:20 UTC+2 schrieb Rich Lees:
> Hi All,
> Am new to this group and Google Groups in general so please go easy.
> I have a few questions about the recent change in Ansible that new 
> prints a warning when jinja2 templating is included in a when, changed_when 
> and failed_when statement. Please see this closed GitHub issue for more 
> details on exactly what warning I mean: 

Hi All,

I found this discussion in the githup issue mentined above. In my case I 
need to run a play only when a certain string was found an the output of 
another command. Example main.yml from one of my roles:
  - name: Install Red Hat Security Advisory (RHSA)
    command: yum -y update-minimal --advisory {{ rhsa_to_install }}
    register: yum_output
  - debug: var=yum_output

  - name: Reboot Host if any packages were updated
    shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered"
    async: 1
    poll: 0
    ignore_errors: true
    when: ("Complete!" in "{{ yum_output.stdout_lines[-1] }}") or
          ("Komplett!" in "{{ yum_output.stdout_lines[-1] }}")

 Since Ansible 2.3 I got the warnings described in detail in

I would like to get back the behaviour from Ansible <2.3. While I'm new to 
Ansible I may simply not know how to work around this warnings by declaring 
the when statement in a different way. Could someone give me a hand here?


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