On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 3:12 PM flowerysong <ezeki...@umich.edu> wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 11:19:55 AM UTC-5, Bob Harold wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:37 PM Brian Coca <bc...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> 1 play before your normal play:
>>> hosts: hosta,hostb
>>> gather_facts: False
>>> tasks:
>>>    - ping:
>>>    - group_by: key=rechable
>>> hosts: reachable
>>> ....
>> Thanks for mentioning the 'ping' module - that is new to me.  (It checks
>> ssh connection and python, not an icmp ping)
>> But I don't see "reachable" as a return value in the docs.
>> Looks like that will run it for both hosts, which is not what the
>> requestor wanted.  More like:
>> hosts: hosta
>> gather_facts: False
>> tasks:
>>    - ping:
>>      register: pingtest
>>    - hosts: hostb
>>      when: pingtest.failed
>> But so far I cannot get it to work.
>> I am looking to use the same logic to connect to the internal or external
>> IP of an AWS server depending on where I happen to be running Ansible at
>> that moment.
> You might be interested in a proof of concept inventory plugin I wrote a
> few months back: https://github.com/flowerysong/ansible/commit/900b3001
> A better implementation would be to do this at the connection layer so
> that the checking is done on demand instead of serially for every host in
> the inventory, but the inventory plugin approach works and isn't unbearably
> slow for small inventories.
> We don't actually use this in production; for AWS our team uses Amazon's
> DNS resolution, so the hostnames resolve to the internal IPs from within
> the VPC or the external IPs from outside:
> ezekielh@ego ~ $ dig +short just-gofannon.ctools-mx.a.mail.umich.edu
> ec2-52-15-122-141.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.
> zeke@ironbull ~ $ dig +short just-gofannon.ctools-mx.a.mail.umich.edu
> ec2-52-15-122-141.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.
Thanks, will look into that.

Bob Harold

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