Hi all- we're happy to announce the following release candidates:

  * ansible-core 2.11.0rc1
  * ansible-base 2.10.8rc1
  * ansible 2.9.20rc1
  * ansible 2.8.20rc1

Several notes:

* ansible 2.8.20rc1 and ansible 2.9.20rc1 both have numerous security fixes
  which address several modules logging sensitive data. This flaw has been
  assigned CVE-2021-3447. See the changelog (linked below) for more

* This is the final release cycle for ansible 2.8.z, which has received only
  security updates since the release of 2.10.0.

* This is the final *bugfix* release cycle for ansible 2.9.z. Ansible 2.9 now
  enters the security-only phase (after this release candidate goes to GA), and
  only security-critical updates will be shipped from that point forward.


Some information about ansible-core 2.11:

ansible-core 2.11 is a rename of ansible-base. As with ansible-base, it includes
only a minimal, vetted set of modules and plugins, and is extensible through the
use of Ansible Collections. This release of ansible-core includes some new
features and changes that we'd like to highlight below. This list is not

- As of this release, Python 3.8 is now a *soft requirement* on the
  controller. (This release will continue to work with the same versions of
  Python as ansible-base 2.10, but ansible-core 2.12 will NOT)

- Role arguments can now be validated at runtime to ensure that roles are used

- ansible-galaxy now makes use of "resolvelib" for resolving dependencies

- New virtualization facts are now included (as lists), so that administrators
  can see all virtual guest and host technologies available to the node

- Playbooks can now be run from collections

- For module authors, module_utils imports are now treated as optional if in
  any nested block (such as 'try' or 'if') allowing for implementation of
  fallback behavior for module_utils that do not exist in older versions of

We appreciate any and all early adopters and welcome any reports of issues on
GitHub. Happy testing!


How to get it

$ pip install ansible-core==2.11.0rc1 --user
$ pip install ansible-base==2.10.8rc1 --user
$ pip install ansible==2.9.20rc1 --user
$ pip install ansible==2.8.20rc1 --user

The tar.gz of the releases can be found here:

* ansible-core 2.11.0rc1
  SHA256: b083664c768eab68a185526aac790dc93ab0aaa58810013d94a991a40c5bdf59

* ansible-base 2.10.8rc1
  SHA256: 8a69a4e9601156466d6304a9b49604a7ee20ce1618f9cbd187e6bd4dff9e5fd3

* ansible 2.9.20rc1
  SHA256: a0fe1ffcf5d649cb2898bdf4183cc9b60127fdbd736db809772e51199727bce4

* ansible 2.8.20rc1
  SHA256: 917068b89584d82784102df2eb73304af97f0ab02e4856a68ffc75e4d1b94f40

What's new

These release candidates have changelogs available at the following links:

* ansible-core 2.11.0rc1

* ansible-base 2.10.8rc1

* ansible 2.9.20rc1

* ansible 2.8.20rc1

What's the schedule for future releases?

* ansible-core 2.11.0rc1 has a second release candidate planned -- if deemed
  necessary -- one week from today on 12 April 2021. It is set to go to GA on
  26 April 2021.

* ansible-base 2.10.8rc1, ansible 2.9.20rc1, and ansible 2.8.20rc1 are set to go
  to GA one week from today.

Porting Help for ansible-core 2.11

We've published a porting guide at
to help migrate your content to 2.11.

If you discover any errors or if any of your working playbooks break when you
upgrade to 2.11.0rc1, please use the following link to report the regression:


In your issue, be sure to mention the version that works and the one that


-Rick Elrod

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