
Thanks. I have no doubt that environment works properly, I think I'm just 
have something setup slightly wrong as newb (sorry).

Here's my current debug output (-v and -vvv): 

Here's my current code 
setup: https://github.com/stevenhaddox/ansible_rails_enterprise/tree/gnu_stow

Specifically I'm trying to set my environment variable(s) in the 
`provisioning/group_vars/all.yml` file:

And I'm trying to load the environment in the task `Copy Stow src file to 
remote node` in my common role tasks:

Oh, Ansible on the Mac I'm running this on is currently at 1.3.4.

Hope this helps,


On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11:56:23 PM UTC-5, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> Environment works for sure, show us what you have now and what ansible 
> version you are using?
> -- Michael
> On Nov 19, 2013, at 11:14 PM, Steven Haddox <ste...@haddox.us<javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Rodger that. Now if I could just get the environment module to work as 
> expected... I'm adding an environment variable to the global_vars/all.yml 
> file where I have other variables set but it's not picking it up when I add 
> `environment: <environment_var_name>` for some reason. I'll keep debugging 
> this and once it's done I should be pretty much good to go through most of 
> my playbook tasks (hopefully).
> Thanks again,
> Steven
> On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11:00:20 PM UTC-5, Michael DeHaan wrote:
>> nope, environment keyword is your friend.
>> This is a configuration management and deployment system, it's designed 
>> to not trust the user's configuration on purpose.
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Steven Haddox <ste...@haddox.us> wrote:
>>> PS - Is it possible that I could somehow get Ansible to load / source 
>>> the {{HOME.stdout}}/.bashrc as part of an environment in Ansible and then 
>>> just pass that environment in? I'm not familiar at all with the environment 
>>> module. It looks like it's mostly for setting variables so I'm wondering if 
>>> maybe I'd at least be best off using an environment variable to store the 
>>> command to source .bashrc as a way to at least ensure it could be easily 
>>> modified without changing every subsequent task later, but ideally it'd be 
>>> awesome to get the shell to load the ~/.bashrc as the first step for 
>>> anytime a task uses that environment, but I'm not sure if that's possible...
>>> On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:28:18 AM UTC-5, Steven Haddox wrote:
>>>> Nick,
>>>> Thanks very much for your reply and thoughts. This has helped 
>>>> tremendously (and will help as I write the rest of these playbooks). 
>>>> Alright... here goes:
>>>> > Source is normally a shell-builtin, not an actual executable. As 
>>>> > you're calling the command module rather than the shell module, it 
>>>> > doesn't run an actual shell and so it can't find an executable called 
>>>> > 'source'. That likely explains the error you are seeing, and using 
>>>> > 'shell' rather than 'command' will likely solve that. 
>>>> Thanks for this. The thought hadn't even occurred to me that command vs 
>>>> shell would've been a way to fix it or that command wouldn't recognize 
>>>> source. As Gru says, "liiiight buuulb!" I changed the module to shell 
>>>> quickly and it looks like that definitely got it working instantly for 
>>>> that 
>>>> particular command.
>>>> > That said, 1) I don't believe Ansible runs two consecutive shell 
>>>> tasks 
>>>> > in the same shell anyway, and 2) it uses /bin/sh rather than the 
>>>> > user's default shell, making the point moot. 
>>>> As to point 1 I actually had this exact thought as I was laying my head 
>>>> down on the pillow last night and realized I may be trying to solve a task 
>>>> that doesn't even need to exist as all subsequent commands would probably 
>>>> already have sourced the newly updated ~/.bashrc when ansible connects to 
>>>> issue the next command. Do we know for a fact that this is how it occurs? 
>>>> What about in "fireball" mode? Does that still reconnect for each 
>>>> subsequent task? Trying to figure out if my playbook will be properly 
>>>> usable in all modes that Ansible could be run in.
>>>> As to point 2 this could give extra emphasis as to your point you made 
>>>> later. I was quasi-expecting Ansible to use the non-login shell (e.g. the 
>>>> user that's sudoed into would have their ~/.bashrc loaded before executing 
>>>> commands) and that's why I thought to put these variables here for Ansible 
>>>> (primarily just due to Linux/Unix defaults). I'll get into why they go 
>>>> here 
>>>> in my particular situation next.
>>>> > The above issues of making it work aside, relying on the user's 
>>>> bashrc 
>>>> > sounds very brittle. What if he/she decides to start using another 
>>>> > shell in the future (such as zsh for example)?
>>>> Okay, so to put this all in perspective... I'm using Ansible to 
>>>> automatically provision / setup servers that have very restrictive access 
>>>> controls. Once I login as a non-privileged user with my SSH key I'm then 
>>>> able to sudo into only two other users. One is meant to install libraries 
>>>> / 
>>>> tools from source, the other to deploy the application. This is a pretty 
>>>> common Enterprise / restrictive setup in my experience. As a result I have 
>>>> learned to very strongly love GNU Stow which allows me to basically have 
>>>> my 
>>>> own /opt dir in my home folder and handles symlinking active tools / 
>>>> packages / libraries and all their differing subfolders, etc. into a 
>>>> target 
>>>> directory (one folder above the path where you stow things by default). 
>>>> Rather than having to ensure that everyone remembers the stow path 
>>>> properly 
>>>> (there's a few of us and we're all human after all) I've taken to setting 
>>>> a 
>>>> $STOW environment variable that's loaded in the .bashrc so that we can 
>>>> ensure that we always use the same directory. We also want to use all the 
>>>> programs we've stowed away like pack rats so I've gotten used to 
>>>> prepending 
>>>> PATH with $STOW/../bin so that we have access to git, tmux, vim, python, 
>>>> ruby, node, bzip2, etc., etc. all compiled from source. This way we don't 
>>>> have to prepend / remember the stow directory and we don't have to invoke 
>>>> git with: $ stow_path/../bin/git, we can just simply call $ git and get 
>>>> the 
>>>> proper version.
>>>> Now... as to why .bashrc. I touched on this lightly above, but 
>>>> basically I need to have somewhere for these global environment variables 
>>>> to be set, and to my knowledge the best place for that in Linux / Unix has 
>>>> always been the .bashrc file. Granted, if a user somehow installs (from 
>>>> source in my situation) zshell or another alternative then they don't get 
>>>> these variables, but keep in mind I'm 9/10 times using this to provision 
>>>> staging and production boxes where users shouldn't be customizing things 
>>>> to 
>>>> their desired intent. My goal is to use Ansible to get rid of those 
>>>> customizations on those boxes and have a reliably consistent environment. 
>>>> I 
>>>> don't think I've ever used a production box with something besides the 
>>>> default bash shell running and so .bashrc has always been the best 
>>>> solution. I would love to level up and be taught how to do this properly / 
>>>> differently if that isn't correct (just so I don't come off defensive, 
>>>> trying to explain my thought process, not seem stubborn as I'm 100% open 
>>>> to 
>>>> change if I'm doing it wrong).
>>>> > Is there a specific reason you can't just set any necessary 
>>>> environment
>>>> > variables in your playbook, and/or call programs by their full path 
>>>> instead
>>>> > of relying on $PATH?
>>>> So... the problem with putting these variables into my playbook instead 
>>>> of directly into $PATH is that we do our deployments using Capistrano 
>>>> (I've 
>>>> used it for 5 years and couldn't be happier and have no desire to use a 
>>>> provisioning tool for something as simple as deployments). In turn this 
>>>> means that any environment variables set in Ansible playbooks won't be 
>>>> accessible to my deployment environments. It also means that I'd either 
>>>> have to rewrite everything to deploy with Ansible (which isn't the 
>>>> community best practice in Ruby world, even to use Chef or Puppet wouldn't 
>>>> be ideal for the vast majority of teams) or it means I'll have to 
>>>> duplicate 
>>>> variables in my playbook environment variables and then again somewhere in 
>>>> my tasks to setup those variables for the user when they login. I was 
>>>> expecting Ansible to load a user's .bashrc for commands given that I'm 
>>>> logging in specifically to that user's account with the sudo_user & sudo 
>>>> variables in my playbook; however, I can see why Ansible wouldn't do that 
>>>> (especially if a user has a different shell potentially rather than bash 
>>>> which Ansible seems to have an expectation for as well).
>>>> So that leads to yet another question... Is there a best practice to be 
>>>> able to get Ansible tasks to load my .bashrc if I'm sure it'll be there 
>>>> before running the shell module or am I likely to have to always do the 
>>>> following?
>>>> shell: source {{HOME.stdout}}/.bashrc; <cmd>
>>>> The next question is, is there an alternative approach to storing 
>>>> environment variables / modified $PATH without having to use the .bashrc 
>>>> but that would still be accessible for a user actually logged into the box 
>>>> from a remote terminal? I've been playing with server setup / maintenance 
>>>> as a side-duty of all my jobs for about a decade and haven't come across 
>>>> any, but it's also not my full-time $dayjob and I'm not an expert by any 
>>>> means. I'd love to hear suggestions or tips from others as to a better 
>>>> approach than putting $STOW and $PATH modifications / exports in the 
>>>> .bashrc of the sysadmin user.
>>>> Thanks so much for all of your help and time,
>>>> Steven
>>>> On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:33:15 AM UTC-5, Nick Groenen wrote:
>>>>> Source is normally a shell-builtin, not an actual executable. As 
>>>>> you're calling the command module rather than the shell module, it 
>>>>> doesn't run an actual shell and so it can't find an executable called 
>>>>> 'source'. That likely explains the error you are seeing, and using 
>>>>> 'shell' rather than 'command' will likely solve that. 
>>>>> That said, 1) I don't believe Ansible runs two consecutive shell tasks 
>>>>> in the same shell anyway, and 2) it uses /bin/sh rather than the 
>>>>> user's default shell, making the point moot. 
>>>>> > The goal of this is to export variables in ~/.bashrc for the user 
>>>>> who will be using those variables a lot later in the playbook(s) for this 
>>>>> setup. 
>>>>> The above issues of making it work aside, relying on the user's bashrc 
>>>>> sounds very brittle. What if he/she decides to start using another 
>>>>> shell in the future (such as zsh for example)? Is there a specific 
>>>>> reason you can't just set any necessary environment variables in your 
>>>>> playbook, and/or call programs by their full path instead of relying 
>>>>> on $PATH? 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Nick Groenen | zoni | @NickGroenen 
>>>>> https://zoni.nl | GnuPG/GPG key ID: 0xAB5382F6 
>>>>  -- 
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>> -- 
>> Michael DeHaan <mic...@ansibleworks.com>
>> CTO, AnsibleWorks, Inc.
>> http://www.ansibleworks.com/
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